We're All Perverts!

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"Peter, honey. Can you go get Tony from his lab?" Mrs. Stark asked and I looked up from my phone, hiding my grin.
"Um, yea. I'll be right back." I walked to the elevator and sent a reply on my phone as I ascended to the top floor. I stepped out of the elevator and bumped into something as I dropped my phone. 
"Woah kid, maybe look up from your phone every once in a while." Mr. Stark spoke and chuckled as I looked at Dum-E. I picked up my phone and smiled awkwardly. 
"Sorry Dum-E, sorry Mr. Stark." I walked over to his desk and he frowned.
"Kid, you could call me da-Tony." I looked down at my phone and bit my cheek. I knew him and Mrs. Stark wanted me to call them mom and dad, but I just couldn't. I couldn't get close to them.
"Um, Mrs. Stark sent me to get you for dinner." I mentioned and Mr. Stark looked down, but nodded.
"Alright kid, let's go before she comes down and we're both in trouble." I agreed and we made our way to the dining room in silence. Once we got to the dining table, everyone sat down and began to have conversations while I continued to text and eat.
"Peter, you know the rules for the table. No phones out." Mrs. Stark scolded and I slid my phone in my pocket. 
"Sorry Mrs. Stark, I was just texting my partner for a school project." I responded and Ms. Romanoff raised an eyebrow.
"You've been on your phone a lot the past few weeks. Are you sure it's not a girl you're texting?" She questioned and I shook my head quickly.
"No Ms. Romanoff, it's just a project that needs to be finished, that's all." I excused and finished the rest of what's on my plate. "Can I be excused from the table?" Mrs. Stark nodded and I jumped up, almost running to my room. I sent one last text before putting on my suit and going out my window. 
I swung across the city and took in the breeze, smiling to myself. I saw the intended building in sight and my smile widened as I swung over to the fire escape. I landed gracefully; almost falling off the ledge, and knocked on the window.
"Karen, turn off tracking." I muttered as the window opened and I held out the flower I grabbed on the way.
"Why Spiderman, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?" She asked and I smiled behind my mask, pulling her to me.
"Well, I just couldn't resist seeing you." I responded and she rolled her eyes. She smiled and lifted my mask to my lips.
"So cheesy." She kissed me and I pushed her gently against the wall.

¥¥¥¥¥ Timeskip Because This Is A PG Story ¥¥¥¥

I rolled over and smiled when I saw MJ's gorgeous face. I looked towards the window and my eyes widened as the sun was beginning to rise. I grabbed my phone and it was dead.
"M.. Wake up." I said gently and shook her awake. She looked at me with a smile and I pointed out the window. She turned to the window then back with wide eyes. "I gotta get home and hopefully they don't kill me." I rushed to get my suit on and she chuckled.
"You're putting it on backwards, loser." She stepped out of bed with the blanket around her and helped me put it on correctly as I tried not to blush. I smiled and kissed her, before pulling my mask on and leaving through the window.
When I arrived home, I tried my hardest to get inside without getting caught and snuck to my room. I took off my suit and as I went to go into the kitchen, the light in the living room turned on. Mr. Stark was in the corner of the room and Mrs. Stark was right next to him while all the other Avengers; plus Mr. Loki and Mr. Thor, were sitting around expectantly. They all had disappointed gazes and I looked down.
"Where were you and why didn't you call us?" Mrs. Stark asked concerned and Mr. Stark raised an eyebrow, waiting for my answer.
"I went over to Ned's and forgot to call. I'm sorry." I excused and Ms. Romanoff raised an eyebrow.
"Really now? Well then, why'd Ned come by looking for you?" She asked and I frowned. Really, Ned?
"I-I uh-"
"Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark, are you doing illegal drugs?" Mrs. Stark gasped and my eyes widened.
"No! Why would-"
"Were you drinking and passed out?" Mr. Stark asked with watchful eyes. I frowned and tried to argue, but Ms. Romanoff cut me off.
"Or were you caught in a fight that trapped you under another building?" 
"I should take away your suit-" 
"How could any of you think this?!" I exclaimed and everyone quieted down. I looked to Mrs. Stark and narrowed my eyes, turning to Mr. Stark. "You both want me to call you my parents, and yet you're over here thinking I'm doing illegal stuff!" I yelled and Ms. Romanoff took a step forward.
"Peter, we're just worried about-"
"You guys don't care. None of you do. Especially not Tony. You only adopted me for publicity and pity." I snapped and they stayed silent. I turned to head to my room and stopped when Mr. Stark yelled. (20 comments and 50 votes and I'll write the one shot explaining why Peter said especially Tony)
"You're grounded!" I rolled my eyes and continued to my room. Once inside, I slid down my door and pulled my knees to my chest. I miss you Aunt May. Uncle Ben.

¥¥¥¥¥ Time Skip Because This was supposed To Be A Happy One Shot, But I'm A Depressed Piece Of Shit ¥¥¥¥¥

"Peter, if you tell us where you were last night, you won't be grounded." Mr. Stark spoke as I ate my breakfast and I dropped my spoon. I grabbed my bag and walked to the door.
"I'd rather be grounded." I said as my last words as I shut the door and walked to the subway, ignoring Mr. Happy who was waiting for me.
I hopped on and got off as soon as the train came to my stop. I walked past Mr. Delmar's deli and put my hoodie up. I walked into the school and walked right to my locker. When I opened it, hands covered my eyes from behind and I smiled.
"Guess who." MJ whispered and I turned around, pulling her to me.
"Good morning gorgeous." I leaned in to kiss her and someone clears their throat.
"Hey dude, where were you last night? I stopped by-"
"I know, thanks Ned. Because of you showing up without calling or texting me first, I'm grounded." I groaned and turned to MJ. She raised an eyebrow and I shrugged, kissing her. 
The rest of the day flew by and soon it was time for me to go home. I walked out of class as the last bell rang and walked briskly to my locker. I saw MJ standing next to it and grinned.
"Hey M, wanna come over today?" I asked and she frowned.
"I thought you were grounded?" She questioned and I shrugged, still grinning.
"They didn't take my suit." She shrugged and smiled, walking to the subway with me. We went separate ways and I went home. I walked in to see Mrs. Stark in the kitchen.
"Mrs. Stark, I know I'm grounded, but my partner for the project has to come by to help finish it." I lied and she raised an eyebrow.
"What is the project on?" She asked and just as I opened my mouth to speak, Friday spoke from above.
"Michelle Jones is here. She claims to have a project to work on with Peter." Mrs. Stark looked at me and looked back to the ceiling.
"Send her up." She announced and I smiled. She looked back at me and raised her eyebrow once more. "What is this project for?" 
"It's on, uh-"
"It's on mechanical engineering." MJ spoke as she walked out of the elevator with a poster board in her hand. I smiled and nodded. "Sorry Mrs. Stark to just drop in, but this project is really important and we've been working on this project for weeks now. I know Peter is grounded, so I will leave right after we're finished." Mrs. Stark began to nod her head and eyed us suspiciously.
"Alright, well I'll be checking in. Just to make sure you're actually working on the project." I sighed, but nodded and dragged MJ to my room. 
"I told you she'd buy it. It was a good idea for you to bring a poster board, Miss Jones." I complimented and she took a short bow, laughing at the end.
 We walked over to my bed and started to do homework, while watching cautiously. A while in and I put the book down, looking at the beauty next me as she tapped her pencil against her lip. I looked over and was shocked when I saw she was drawing me. I smiled adoringly and grabbed her chin between my fingers, turning her to look at me.
"How did I ever get so lucky?" I asked and she blushed as I crashed my lips against hers. We fought for dominance and I leaned against the back of the couch, pulling her to me. 
"So, I was right." Ms. Romanoff's voice came from the door and MJ jumped back. We both looked to the deadly assassin and saw everyone with her. Her arms were crossed and she had a smirk.
"I, uh-" 
"So, mechanical project, huh?" Mr. Stark asked with a smirk and I sighed.
"You were with her last night?" Mr. Loki asked with a wink and I looked down.
"I was hanging out with her and passed out at her house. I didn't mean to come home late, but we fell asleep watching a movie." I explained and Mr. Stark chuckled.
"Look at them, their blushing."
"I've never seen his cheeks so pink!" Mr. Wilson laughed and I groaned.
"Can we be left alone?" I asked and Mrs. Stark crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow.
"You're still grounded young man."
"But I just told you where I was last-"
"You lied to us about it. You're grounded for a month. Michelle honey, it was nice meeting you and you are gladly welcomed back in a month; if Peter can keep from getting grounded longer, that is." I looked to MJ and she sighed, but stood. I gave her one last kiss and she walked to the elevator while Mr. Barton fake gagged.
"That was like child porn,  Captain young PDA! We're all perverts!" Mr. Barton yelled and Ms. Romanoff smacked him upside the head. 
"You're the pervert here for even saying that."

                    Word Count: 1,839

This one shot was requested by halfway_emo_girl I know you were probably expecting something happier, but I kinda like this and it could tie into the other one shot you wanted 😊 I really hope you liked it. Please vote, share and comment your opinions on this.

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