First Day of School

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It was a bright sunny day in New York and a 7 year old was rushing his dad to take him to school. Peter Stark starts his first day of first grade today and he was excited. He was going to a public school and couldn't wait to make friends.

"Come on dad! I'm gonna be late!" Peter exclaimed dragging Tony's hand towards the door. Tony chuckled and called Happy to let him know to bring the car around. When they arrived at the school, teachers, students and students parents all marveled at the billionaire, wondering why the renowned super hero was at a elementary school, with a little kid pulling his hand. Tony ignored the stares, but his son started to feel uncomfortable and moved closer to his father, squeezing his hand tighter. Tony glared at the adults around him and they quickly looked away, pulling their kids elsewhere.

"It's okay kid, I won't let anything happen to you." Peter calmed his grip, but remained close to his father. Tony frowned seeing his son continue to shift uncomfortably and held his child tighter. They made their way to the classroom and Tony sat down with his son.

"Hi Mr. Stark, my name is Mrs. Nolsen, and I'll be your child's teacher for the year. My I ask what the little guy's name is?" The teacher introduced/asked, causing Peter to look at her.

"P-peter." He responded and Mrs. Nolsen smiled.

"Well hello Peter, how about you go pick out a cubby?" Peter looked between his teacher and dad, asking a silent question and Mrs. Nolsen nodded, smiling. "Yes, you're father can go with you." Peter pulled his father to a cubby hole, placing his stuff inside and walked back to his desk. The teacher went over some stuff that the parents needed to know and showed a short powerpoint. "Okay parents, it's time for you to leave. We get out at 2:15, so make sure you are back." Mrs. Nolsen said and Peter turned to his dad, tears in his eyes.

"It's okay Pete, I'll be here right when the bell dismisses you, I promise." Tony stuck out his pinky, and Peter intertwined his pinky with the older Stark and Tony smiled.

True to his word, Tony arrived at the school 5 minutes before the bell rung. Happy told Tony he would pick up the kid, but Tony insisted he go. Tony watched as kids exited the school and watched for Peter. Moments later, he saw Peter walking out with his head down and his hoodie over his head. He made his way quickly to the car and climbed in.

"Hey bud, how was your first day?" Tony questioned his kid, as he buckled his seat belt. Peter turned to Tony and his father frowned. Peter had tears rushing down his face and Tony was worried. "Oh kid." Tony pulled him into an embrace and Peter cried into his shoulder.

"What happened?" Tony asked in a soft tone and Peter sniffled.

"This kid called me names and I only made one friend." Peter said through tears.

"Awe kid, I'll talk to the principal tomorrow. What is this I hear about a new friend? Is it a boy or girl?" Tony grinned as he pulled out of the parking lot and saw Peter perk up beside him.

"It's a boy! His name is Ned and we have so much in common! He likes legos, and he also likes Iron Man and the Avengers!" Peter exclaimed bouncing in his seat. Tony pulled up to McDonald's and ordered a happy meal for Peter to cheer him up. Peter cheered and grab the bag as soon as it was in his reach. "Ned also thinks Star Wars is better than Star Trek, but I like Star Trek better. But don't tell Ned that!" Peter quickly said and Tony smiled at his kid.

"My lips are sealed." Tony chuckled and was happy his son was no longer sad, making a mental note to talk to Peter's teacher and principal first thing tomorrow morning.

                                                                   Word Count: 677

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