Oh Fuck..

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"Why the heck are you recording me?" Peter asked as he finished getting ready and MJ smirked.
"Gotta get Petey's first date on camera, don't I? Gotta show Ned when he gets back from Virginia." Peter flushed and turned to the mirror, looking at his reflection. 
"Do I at least look okay? I don't look like I'm trying too hard, do I? What if it looks like I'm not trying hard enough?" Peter stressed and MJ laughed.
"You look fine. Either way you look like a loser." 
"Gee, thanks M." Peter sighed as he looked down and MJ stepped forward.
“Peter, you look great. Your looks shouldn’t matter though. You are going to always be a loser to me and that’s because you’re my best friend.” Peter looked up teary eyed and smiled. “Besides, if Harley thought you looked good earlier, then he’s going to think you look hot when he sees you. Relax and have a good time, but if he tries something.. I’ll end him.” MJ spoke and Peter chuckled.
“Thanks Michelle.” Peter hugged his best friend and she smiled, getting caught off by Peter’s arms wrapping around her. 
“No problem, loser. Now, Harley should be here any minute-”
“What time is it?!” Peter exclaimed and MJ smirked.
“It’s already been 4 hours?!” Peter panicked and MJ nodded.
“Yupp, and I got the entire thing on camera.” She smirked and Peter ran to his closet, grabbing his suit just in case and stuffing it into a throw on bag. He ran to the bathroom and brushed his teeth for the 5th time, before running out to the living room. He made sure no one was around and jumped when he heard a knock on the door. He took a deep breath and strolled over, steeling his nerves.
“Hey, Peter. I hope you don’t mind, but I thought we’d get dinner before we go to the movies?” Harley questioned and Peter smiled.
“I don’t mind at all. Where are we going?” Peter asked as they walked to the elevator and hopped on, headed to the lobby.
“Well, I know it’s not a great first date idea, but I was thinking McDonalds?” Peter smiled widely and nodded.
“Honestly, that sounds like a good idea.” Peter agreed and the two stood in the elevator, both secretly nervous.

{{{{{{{{{ Time Skip Brought To You By Writers Block }}}}}}}}}}}

“I-I had a great time tonight.” Peter mentioned as the two stood in front of the tower and Harley smiled, showing a hidden dimple that had appeared several times throughout the night. 
The two had gone to watch Spies In Disguise and Harley wouldn’t stop telling Peter how much he looked like the actor Tom Holland, but Peter didn’t mind. During dinner, the two talked about their lives; Harley telling Peter how his dad left and that his mother was always working, while Peter told Harley how Tony adopted him after his aunt found someone to travel the world with. The two had somewhat similar lives and both shared a love for science and math. After the movie, the two didn’t want to leave each other quite yet, so they got ice cream and walked around the city. Harley gave Peter his jacket when the shorter brunette got cold and Peter had a blush on his face for most of the walk. To say the date went great would be an understatement and both knew there was more than just physical attraction between the two.
“I did too. Thank you for a great night.” Harley smiled and Peter blushed. Harley turned to leave and Peter frowned.
“W-wait.” Peter spoke and Harley turned in curiosity and the shorter brunette looked down, biting his lip before looking up. “There’s this gala thing on Sunday and my dad is making me go. I was hoping-”
“I’d be honored to go with you. See you Sunday.” Harley grinned and Peter smiled back, going inside and running to the elevator. Once he got to the penthouse, he ran to his room and flopped down on his bed. He screamed in excitement into his pillow and kicking his feet behind him.
“You’re right. He is just like a white girl.” Shuri’s voice rang out through Peter’s room and he jumped up, falling off the bed.
“Told you. Wouldn’t be surprised if he asks to get Starbucks.” MJ added and Peter groaned, sitting up on the floor. He looked at the two and frowned.
“How did you two get in here?”
“A unicorn took us here.” MJ said sarcastically and Shuri laughed.
“Haha, very funny. Hi Shuri.” Peter waved and gave a mischievous look to MJ. She narrowed and Shuri smiled.
“Hey Peter. How’s my favorite meme brother?” 
“I tripped and fell into some feelings. Now I can’t get up.” Peter responded and Shuri frowned.
“I need cookies grandma, get the fuck up.” Shuri replied and Peter chuckled. He turned to MJ and gave an evil glint.
“So M… Shuri over there is actually gay.” Peter started and Shuri smacked him. 
“How bold of you to assume I’m not a unicorn.” Shuri said as Peter gave her a what the fuck look and she shrugged, grinning. “Anyway, I’m just gonna say it then I’m gonna run for my life.”
“Don’t you dare, Stark. I-”
“Have romantic feelings for Shuri!” Peter exclaimed and threw himself out the open window. Why was the window open? Who the fuck knows? The author has no clue what the fuck is going on with this one shot.
“Stark! I’m going to-” Peter couldn’t hear her as he started to free fall and then frowned.
“Shit, I don’t have my suit! Oh well, dad should catch me in 5.. 4.. 3… 2..” Peter landed into a pair of metal arms and looked up sheepishly, already knowing that his father was looking at him disapproving.
“Why did you throw yourself out of the window on the 87th floor of the building?” Tony asked as he hovered in the air and that was when MJ’s voice got louder.
“I’m going to kill the motherfucker! He’s fucking dead!” MJ exclaimed and Peter gulped, as Tony’s faceplate went up.
“MJ’s trying to kill you again?” Tony asked with a knowing look and Peter nodded.
“If you love me, please don’t take me back there? I would like to live to go on a second date with Harley.” Peter begged and Tony raised an eyebrow.
“Second date? With Harley? You didn’t tell me?” Tony questioned and Peter’s face dropped at the realisation.
“Well… I uh, went on a date.. With Harley earlier.” Peter said and Tony nodded. He flew up and Peter’s eyes widened.
“All I can say is.. Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?” Tony asked as he dropped Peter in his room and Peter yelped when he saw MJ. Oh fuck.. 
            Word Count: 1,140

Damn, I got like three other different ships in this one shot. I got Steve x Tony, Shuri x MJ and Shuri x Peter as Meme friends/siblings. Anyway, I kinda have writers block so this one shot is literal trash. I lead you guys to thinking the first part was angsty 😂😂😂 Anyway, part 3? Also, I'm surprised how many of you have asked for a Peter x Harley ship. I have sooooo many ideas!!! Omfg, I'm excited.

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