A Russian Lullaby..

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I watched as Peter laughed with Tony and shook my head, sighing. I looked away and stalked away to my room. As I sat on my bed, I pulled out a small book no one else knew I had, except one person and started to flip through the pages filled with pictures. A knock on the door snapped me from reality and I glanced up to see the only other person who understood how I felt; Loki. He walked in and sat next to me on my bed, grabbing my hand.

"He's so big now.." I whispered, tears springing to my eyes and Loki lifted my head by nudging my chin up.

"I know, but at least we go to be around for half his life." I glanced at the book in my lap and the picture that I stopped at. It was of Loki, me and a baby Peter in his arms. Petrosky was his original name, a russian name, but his name was changed to Peter when he was taken away. We had him for 2 years, before he was taken away and luckily, Tony and Pepper took him in. No one knew of Loki and I being married, nor did they know Peter was my son. I looked at Loki and started to softly sing the Russian lullaby I used to sing to Peter.


I was enjoying my birthday with everyone around me, all the Avengers, Ned, MJ, Uncle Thor and Uncle Loki. It was an enjoyable time and I couldn't help, but be sad when Uncle Loki and Aunt Tasha disappeared.

"Hey bud, how are you enjoying your birthday so far?" My dad came over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Yea, thank you, dad." He looked nervous and I raised an eyebrow. "Dad?" I questioned and he sighed.

"Look, Pete. What I'm about to tell you doesn't mean Pep and I love you any less, so don't think that. Okay?" I nodded mutely and gestured for him to continue. "Peter, you're adopted. We found you at one of my Stark Expos and you were left alone, so Pepper and I took you in when you were two." He explained and I looked down.

"Do you know who my biological parents are?" I asked and just as he went to answer, I heard Russian singing.

"Там, где течет мечтательная Волга
Там одинокая русская роза
Глядя нежно
Вниз на колено." I blocked out Tony's chatter and followed the sound of singing. I was brought to Aunt Tasha's room and was mesmerized by the next lines she sang.

"Где карие глаза ребенка блестят
Каждую ночь ты услышишь ее напевать
Русская колыбельная."
"Просто маленькая жалобная мелодия
Когда ребенок начинает плакать
Прощай мой малыш
Где-то может быть
Земля, которая бесплатна для тебя и меня
И русская колыбельная." I sang along with the ending and when it was finished, she looked up at me with teary eyes.

"Petrosky." She whispered and I hugged her. "мой малыш."

□3rd Person□

By the time the trio were hugging, everyone else had gathered and were confused.

"So, um, what's going on here?" Tony asked awkwardly and Peter pulled back, smiling up at Natasha.

"Peter is... Loki's and my son.." Nat trailed off and Loki smiled at her, while everyone else was shocked and confused.

"What? When?" Tony asked and Nat sighed.

"Your expo... I was there with Peter and Loki. Peter was 2 in an iron man onesie and was in a stroller. We got separated and couldn't find him. We searched everywhere, but with no luck. Years later, when Fury had me come investigate you, I saw Peter again. This time, he was your adopted son and I just knew he was mine. I had told Loki, but didn't do anything else. He seemed so happy to be your son and I couldn't take away my son's happiness, so I instead, stayed close to watch over him." Natasha explained and everyone was in tears, including Peter. "Happy birthday, Peter. I love you." Natasha smiled at her son and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too mom. Would it be okay if I still call Tony and Pepper mom and dad as well? I'm partly their son as well." Peter asked nervously and Natasha smiled. Her son was so considerate of other people and it made her happy.

"Of course."

Word Count: 731

Sorry if it isn't how you envisioned it, but I tried my hardest. Hope y'all liked it. Vote and comment your opinions. Also, you have one more hour to request a one shot.

Credit goes to @RebeccaJones664
For coming up with the prompt. Hope you liked it

Translation for russian words used in this chapter:

Where dreamy Volga flows
(Там, где течет мечтательная Волга)

There's a lonely Russian Rose
(Там одинокая русская роза)

Looking Gently
(Глядя нежно)

Down upon your knee
(Вниз на колено)

Where are the baby's brown eyes glittering
(Где карие глаза ребенка блестят)


Ev'ry night you'll hear her humming
(Каждую ночь ты услышишь ее напевать)

A Russian lullaby
(Русская колыбельная)

Just a little plaintive tune
(Просто маленькая жалобная мелодия)

When the baby starts crying
(Когда ребенок начинает плакать)

Goodbye my baby
(Прощай мой малыш)

Somewhere there may be
(Где-то может быть)

A land that's free for you and me
(Земля, которая бесплатна для тебя и меня)

And a Russian lullaby
(И русская колыбельная)

мой малыш- my baby

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