Out Of A Story Book..

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He was a prince, and she, she was just a mere maid. He had everything, and all she had were the clothes on her back and a smile that could brighten anyone's day. Except, that smile hasn't been seen in a while, and he isn't happy about it.

The prince and her grew up together, one of the only girls he thought about. He became older and his duties had been clear; stand tall, shoulders back, head up, and don't pay any mind to people of lesser value than yourself. Or at least, that's what he was taught. He didn't believe it, not a single word. He believed a person is a person, who are they to say who is and isn't worth something. Peter had only ever had a few friends who we're almost like him with his beliefs.

He was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice he was about to run into someone. She on the other hand, couldn't have known for she was carrying many things that had blocked her vision. It was only when he had run into her, that he snapped back to reality and she had fallen. He tried to catch whoever he had run into, but to no avail. She pushed the items off and gasped when she saw who she ran into; the Prince. She bowed her head and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

"I-I'm so sorry, your Highness. Please forgive my clumsiness-"

"Michelle, don't be sorry. I was the one who had ran into you. Here, let me help you up." He cut her off with a smile and she looked at him with wide eyes, shaking her head in protest.

"Oh no, no. I can get up myself Prince Peter, wouldn't want you to go through the trouble of helping a maid like me up." She said respectfully and he frowned.

"M, you know I don't see you as a maid, now here." He smiled, holding his hand out and she grabbed it cautiously.

He pulled her up with a little too much force, causing her to gasp and fall into his chest. She blushed profusely and he was just as stunned. The feeling he felt with her against him, was just incredible and nothing he has ever felt before. She pulled back quickly and grabbed all that she had dropped. He bent down and helped her, until she had everything. She walked past him saying a small thank you and he smiled at her retreating form.

¥¥¥¥ Time Skip Brought To You By A Probably Overused Idea ¥¥¥¥

Peter had just finished his sword practice with his friends and made his way to the dining hall. Once there, he saw that the food was waiting on the table and sat as he waited for the others. As he waited, he saw his favorite maid out of the corner of his eye and smiled to himself.

"M, how are you today?" The prince asked as he stood and began to walk to the maid. She looked at him with confused eyes and looked lost on what to do.

"Your majesty, I'm-"

"I already told you M, you don't have to address me as that. Why don't you join me and my friends for lunch?" He questioned and Michelle looked down at the basket in her hands.

"I apologize my prince, but I must-"

"You can get back to your work after we eat. I'm sure you're starved." Peter cut her off and took the basket from her delicate hands, fingers brushing hers.

The maid blushed and bit her lip, before nodding. He smiled and placed the basket off to the side, grabbing her hand. He led her to the table and pulled out her chair, allowing her to sit. He pushed her in and took the seat next to her, just as footsteps approached. Four people stopped in front of the table and each of them held curious gazes, besides one.

"So, Peter.. Who is this?" Eugene asked and Peter smiled.

"Allow me to introduce my best friend, Michelle." Peter introduced and everyone nodded, sending smiles to the maid.

"Hey Michelle, long time, no talk." Ned joked and Michelle bowed her head.

"Sir Ned, good to see you as well." Michelle greeted as she wore a small smile and the group sat at the table.

"So, Michelle. Are you coming to Peter's eighteenth birthday party?" Ned questioned as he swallowed his mouth full and his old friend looked down.

"I'm afraid I'll be working. Maybe I'll be working the party, though." Peter looked down and frowned. The group finished eating and everyone parted ways, leaving the maid and the prince alone.

"Thank you for joining us at lunch. Ned has been wanting to talk to you, but he hasn't seen you and... I enjoyed spending time with you." Peter shared his gratitude and Michelle's smile grew a bit.

"Anytime, your-Peter." Michelle corrected as Peter sent her a look and the prince smiled. The two split ways, Michelle going back to the laundry room and Peter headed to his parents room.

"Mother, father.. Michelle, what are your thoughts on her?" Peter asked and the queen smiled.

"I do quite like that girl."

"It is obvious she means a lot to you, why do you ask?" The king asked and the prince sighed.

"I know she is seen as a maid to others and maids do not usually attend parties, but.."

"Son, if you are requesting she come-"

"Of course she shall!" The queen cut her husband off in glee and the king nodded.

"Pepper, you should take her to pick out a dress." The king suggested and the Queen squealed.

"Oh Tony, I've always wanted to go dress shopping with Michelle ever since her parents.." The queen trailed off and the king looked towards his son.

"We need to go tux shopping, my son." Peter nodded and the King smirked.

"You are about to go through-"

"Ah, ah, ah language, brother. You know better than to curse in my presence." Someone said from behind the prince and the king's smirk grew.

"Well, you all are here early." The prince moved out of the way and allowed the new comers to enter the room.

               Word Count: 1,046

Okay, so. Idk, I found this old idea that I never finished and I feel like y'all are gonna hate it..

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