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Dedicated to annaethms cause she commented  on my A/n chapter asking for one like this and thought she might like it.

Wanda Maximoff is the youngest of the Avengers, only being the age of 16. Her brother Pietro, being the oldest of the two, and though he had tragically lost his life in the battle of Sokovia, Wanda couldn't accept that he was gone. He was the protector of Wanda and she had always looked up to her brother, wishing she had the strength her brother had. Though they were twins, Wanda was born after her brother, and he would always brag about being older than his twin. Wanda has nightmares, though no one knew. Every night, Pietro would appear in her dreams and she'd rewatch his death over and over.

When she met Peter, she wanted to cry and when he smiled and laughed, Wanda would leave the room. The 7 year old was afraid she hated him and stayed quiet around her, afraid it'll make her mad. One night, Peter couldn't sleep and was walking around the tower, trying to distract himself from his recent nightmare. As he neared Wanda's room, he could hear thrashing and crying. He was concerned and debated knocking, but finally decided to try. When he got no response, he started to walk away and only stopped when he heard a muffled scream thanks to his heightened hearing. He rushed through the door and Wand shot up in her bed, sweat and tears mixing together as hair covered her face.

"Pietro!" Wanda quietly screamed and Peter tilted his head. Who was Pietro? Wanda saw Peter out of the corner of her eye and froze. She stared at him and he walked closer, slowly.

"A-are you okay?" Peter stuttered and Wanda broke down. Peter walked the rest of the way till he was standing right in front of her and hugged her tightly, his little arms barely making it all the way around. "I have nightmares too." Peter whispered and Wanda reciprocated the hug, crying into the 7 year old's shoulder. They sit like that for a while, before pulling away and Peter sat quietly on the bed next to Wanda, his feet barely touching the floor.

"Did you have a nightmare too?" She asked and he nodded.

The Scarlet Witch knew Peter's mom died in front of him and she also knew about the whole kidnap fiasco, and couldn't help feeling bad for the little boy. She lost her parents when she was young too, but she was never alone. She always had Pietro and they would be there for each other, but this little boy in front of her had almost nothing. Sure, he has Tony now, but before Tony he was essentially alone. He lived on the streets, with his mother and they ate out of the garbage, barely surviving the winters. Heck, he even watched his own mother die in front of him! He was also kidnapped by the man who murdered his mother! Yet, here he is at 4 in the morning, trying to comfort a 16 year old who he had barely had a conversation with before. Wanda felt like crying again, seeing so much of Pietro in the boy sitting with her.

Pietro was always so kind hearted and she could never comprehend why? Why was Pietro so nice to everyone? Especially children, when his and his sister's lives were hard, living on the streets and barely surviving after years with no parents. Pietro always told her, "Sis, what you have to understand is that you could live a life treating people the way you were treated and change nothing. Or you could live life treating people with kindness and respect and change someone else's view on life. No matter how hard life gets, please always remember that." That was when Wanda decided to try her best to be kind to other people.

"Hey, I know!" Peter exclaimed, pulling Wanda out her thoughts and she turned to see him grinning. "Since neither of us can sleep, why don't we make hot cocoa and watch a movie?!" Wanda smiled and nodded, her heart melting when she saw the boy gleaming with joy. She followed him to the living room and made her way to the kitchen, starting on the hot cocoa while Peter picked out a movie. When the hot cocoa was done, she brought it out for the both of them and they cuddled while watching Moana.

~~~~~~~~Later on that day (It's a Saturday)~~~~~~~~~~~

"Wanda! Wanda! Wanda!" Peter ran into her room with excitement and she smiled.

"Yes Peter?" She asked and he grinned sheepishly.

"Will you take me to the park? Pweaseeeee?" He begged, pulling the puppy dog eyes on her and she nodded, standing and grabbing her jacket and walking out to the lounge with Peter.

"Where are you two going?" Was Tony's first question and Peter grinned, jumping at his father.

"Wanda is taking me to the park!" Peter exclaimed and Tony frowned, shaking his head.

"Nope. no, no, no, no. I don't-" He stopped when he saw Peter's puppy dog eyes and his pout.

"Pwease daddy? Pweaseeeeeeee?" He begged and Tony was conflicted.

"I'll be with him Tony. I'll make sure nothing happens to him." Wanda spoke up and Tony sighed, but nodded.

"Fine, but have Happy take you." Wanda nodded and walked to the garage, where Happy was waiting. When they got to the park Wanda sat on a bench while Peter went off to play. While Wanda was reading a book she had brought, she heard Peter crying and instantly stood up, going to the sound.

"You're so pathetic! Look at you! You look so stupid, even your clothes look ugly." Wanda heard someone laugh and was angry when she finally saw the view before her. Peter was on the ground with a cut knee and bloody nose, while a kid was standing over him.

"What did you just say to him?" The bully turned to her and froze. He looked to be a few years older than Peter and from the blood on his knuckles, Wanda could tell he punch Peter in the face.

"I-it was just a j-joke." The kid joked and Wanda glanced at Peter's teary and bloody face, before turning back to the bully, powers on.

"You're going to regret hurting him-"
"Please don't hurt him!" Peter's small voice spoke and he engulfed Wanda in a hug. Wanda froze and the kid took that as his chance to run off. Wanda pulled Peter to the bench, using a packet of tissues she found in her bag to clean off the blood.

"Peter, why did you stop me from hurting him, even though he hurt you?" Wanda questioned curiously, still wiping off blood and Peter frowned.

"Because you have to treat people with care and respect, no matter what they did to you or what you've been through, because if you retaliate the same way, you won't help change that person's life for the better." Wanda dropped the tissue she was using and stared at Peter, tears forming. She recalls Pietro saying relatively the same thing and hearing Peter say that warmed her heart. "Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" He asked, sad and she shook her head smiling.

"No, no. It's just- my brother, Pietro used to say the same thing." Wanda's voice wavered and Peter looked down.

"I've never had a sibling." Peter whispered and Wanda pulled him to her, hugging him tightly.

"Well, how about you be my little brother and I'll be your big sister?" Wanda asked and he looked up at her, with wide cheerful eyes.

"Really?!" Peter asked and she nodded giggling. "Yay!" He exclaimed and hugged her tighter. They got back from the park and had a movie marathon after Wanda explained to Tony what happened at the park.

                                                              Word count: 1299

Really proud of this one-shot. thought this was cute and yea. 

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