You're Spiderman?!!

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It was an unusual night for the Avengers. They were currently out looking for the one person they all cherish; Peter Parker aka Peter Stark. It was only when Natasha went to his room at 10pm to talk to him, when they found out he wasn't in his room and the window was wide open. As soon as Nat found the room empty, she walked briskly to Tony's lab and slammed the door open, causing the billionaire to jump.

"Did Peter go out with Wade?" Nat asked and Tony's eyebrows furrowed.

"No, he should be in his room."

"He's not." The billionaire jumped up and looked to the ceiling.

"Friday, activate protocol 22A."

"Activating protocol 22A; Find Peter." They tracked him to the local park and both went out. Tony had his suit on and Natasha had her weapons as an extra precaution. They reached where Peter was meant to be, but instead were surprised to see Wade kissing Spiderman on the lips; mask still covering the person's face. Natasha's eyes burned with anger and she grabbed her blade, throwing it at the two. Peter felt his senses go off and pushed Wade back, leaning back as well while watching the blade whizz passed his face.

"What the-"

"How dare you cheat on my nephew!" Natasha exclaimed and attacked the unsuspecting teen. Peter's eye widened and knew he had to do something, but was distracted by Tony.

"Alright Spiderman, where's my son?" He raised his repulsor to the masked superhero and Peter raised his arms.

"He-he's-" Peter was at a loss for words and looked at his boyfriend, who was with a knife to his throat. "Aunt Tasha, no!" He pulled off his mask and shot a web at Tony's repulsor and running towards the spy.

"P-Peter? You're spiderman?" She dropped her weapon and he nodded. He went to talk, but felt dizzy and collapsed. Wade caught him and they were brought to the tower.

"What's wrong with him Bruce?" Tony asked the scientist and Bruce sighed in relief.

"He's just exhausted. Probably from patrolling." Bruce answered and shook his head, looking at the teen on the bed and the other teen who was holding his hand. Bruce shook his head and walked away as Tony entered the room.

"Why didn't either of you tell me Peter is Spiderman?" Wade looked up and then down at Peter once again.

"He didn't want you all to worry and I promised I wouldn't tell." Tony nodded and the two sat in silence until Peter woke up. Once awake, Peter was brought to the living room and was questioned by his family.

"Hold up, we-we fought you at the airport?!" Steve shouted and Peter nodded.

"Sorry for that Uncle Steve." He was referring to the stolen shield and smiled sheepishly, but then frowned. "Please, don't make me stop being Spiderman! I-it's the only thing that helps with my anxiety, please?" Peter begged and Tony sighed.


"Please dad?" Peter whispered and Tony smiled, ruffling his hair

"Fine, but there will be rules." He gave a pointed look and Peter smiled, hugging him.

"Thank you so much dad! I promise, I'll be careful."

"You better." Peter couldn't be happier. He wouldn't have to sneak around anymore and his family were all okay with it.

                                                     Word Count: 550

I have the worst  fuckin case of writers block right now, holy shit. This took me like 5 or 6 days to write and it still sucks. I'm sorry it's short and not so good. Hope ya'll liked it. Please vote and comment. This idea comes from sparkle129

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