I Will End Your Pitiful life..

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I carefully poured the liquid into the smoothie and watched it go from pink to purple then back to its original color. I smiled and walked to Heimdall, excited to unfortunately go back to Midgard. I'd rather not go where the peasants should be worshipping the very ground I walk on, but I had to go see my one and only nephew. Peter is the only thing I care about in this world and I had found a way to make sure he stays as innocent as he is. I went through the frostbite and made it to the tower in no time. I walked down the very familiar halls and knocked on Peter's door.

"Uncle Loki!" He exclaimed as soon as the door was opened and had a wide smile gracing his face. I smiled softly at the teen and he hugged me.

"I brought you your favorite. Strawberry banana smoothie." I handed him the smoothie and his eyes lit up, as he took the shake from my hands.

"Thank you, uncle Loki!" He hugged me again and started to drink the smoothie. He started to waver in his stance and I led him to the bed. "Wh-what's-" he started to stutter and I hushed him.

"Shh. It's okay." I said as he transformed from his sixteen year old self into a 4 year old. He looked at me from his now giant shirt that swamped around his body. I smiled and held him to me, as he giggled. I stood up and at that moment, Stark had come to the room.

"Hey Pete, I need your help- Loki? What did you do to my son?" He asked with narrowed eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I turned him into a child to preserve his innocence." I responded nonchalantly and his eyes widened.

"You-you did what?!" He exclaimed and grabbed Peter from my arms. "Change him back." He demanded and I sneered.

"And why would I do that?" I asked in a sarcastic tone and he smirked.

"Because if you don't, Natasha and Pepper will have your head." He smirked and I held back a cringe.

"Fine. Give me some time." I walked out and called for heimdall to bring me back. Once back in Asgard I got to work.

It took hours, but I think I finally perfected the antidote, however I feel as if I missed something important. I shrugged and made my way back to Heimdall, who seemed annoyed with my coming and going. I was beamed back to the tower and was immediately confronted by two angry red heads.

"You better change my son back." Peter's mother threatened and I gulped as the Russian redhead took a step towards me, dagger pointed at my throat.

"If anything happens to my ребенок паук, I don't care if you're a God. I will end your pitiful life." She warned and I nodded, slightly scared.

I made my way to where Peter was and handed him the smoothie. He giggled, clapping his hands and grabbed the cup, drinking it down as fast as he could. He started to cry and his body started to change back into his sixteen year old self.

"Peter?" Stark asked and Peter turned to him.

"Peter? Who's Peter? Where am I?" He asked and I gulped.

"Kid, don't joke around. We have-"

"I'm not kidding. I-I don't remember anything." He interrupted and Tony turned to me with a glare.

"What did you do?" He asked, his tone deadly and I turned to see the spy looking at me with narrowed eyes along with the other red head.

"I-I may have forgotten an ingredient." I stuttered and the spy was behind me quickly. "I-I can f-fix it!" I exclaimed as she pressed the blade against my neck and my eyes were wide. What did I just do?

Word Count: 646

Okay, so I know it's short, but imma do a part 2. If you guys don't know my stories by now, I absolutely love cliffhangers and I also love seeing the theories y'all come up with. This prompt was suggested by just_michaela123. Please vote and comment your opinions. Sorry its short.

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