A Puppy?

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"Hey Mr. Stark, look." Peter said and I looked at his phone to see him on Snapchat, with the puppy filter. I raised an eyebrow and he giggled. "I'm a puppy!" He exclaimed smiling cheekily.

"Oh gosh, you are a puppy. You're both adorable and sometimes annoying." I said and chuckled when he pouted. I ruffled his hair and his pout deepened as he pushed my hand away. He fixed his hair and narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm not an animal." He puffed his cheeks out and I laughed.

"Sure you're not kid. Hey Clint, come here real quick." I said as I spotted him walking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah Tony?" He asked and I pointed at Peter's phone.

"Doesn't the kid resemble an actual puppy?" I questioned and he looked confused, but followed the direction my finger was pointed in.

"He actually does. He's just as annoying as a puppy and he follows you around like a lost one." Clint grinned and Peter groaned.

"Clint." He whined and I smiled. 

I'm so sorry, I'm trying to make them longer, but like I'm not having much luck. I will attempt to make them longer and I'm also gonna start putting the word count for each one shot, excluding these A/N's.                                                                            

                                                                       Word Count: 166

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