Are you cold?

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It was a snow day and Peter was walking Michelle home. He looked over at her and smiled. He's had a crush on her for a while and has finally gotten confirmation that she liked him as well. He noticed the wind pick up and had an idea.

"Are you cold?" He asked as he grinned and Michelle looked over at him.

"No." She deadpanned and he sighed, looking away. They continued to walk and Peter continued to glance at her.

"Are you cold?" He asked yet again and she looked at him slightly annoyed, her nose tinted pink from the bitter cold.

"No loser." She replied and he huffed putting his hands in his pockets. Several minutes passed before he decided to ask again.

"Are you cold?" She stopped and gave him an annoyed look.

"When will you stop asking me that question?" Irritation laced within every word and he grinned widely.

"When you say yes and then I can wrap my arms around you." She blushed and he continued to smile.

She looked at him shyly and inched closer. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into him as much as possible. They stayed like that for a few minutes, Michelle's face buried in Peter's neck and Peter stroking her back. Michelle pulled back a little and they looked into each others eyes.

"You're such a dork." She mumbled and closed the distance between their lips.

They continued to walk after that, stupid smiles on both of their faces and Peter's arm wrapped around her shoulder. They arrived at Michelle's house and spent the day cuddling, drinking hot cocoa and watching movies; both content in each other's arms.

Just a cute little one shot.

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