What's wrong with Michelle?

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Slight Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

I've noticed MJ hasn't been acting like her usual self. She hasn't been calling me and Ned names. She also hasn't been wearing anything, except long sleeves. I've asked her several times what was wrong, but each time I got a 'nothing, I'm fine' in a quiet voice as a reply. She's been hanging around her boyfriend and I couldn't stand to watch her with him. She could do so much better, and I-I love her, so it hurts.

One day I was walking out of school when I saw them both behind the school. MJ looked so small standing in front of him and she looked scared. I walked closer to hear the conversation and to intervene if I needed to.

"If they ask you about me, tell them: "She was the only person that loved me with honesty, and I broke her"." She told her ex boyfriend and he gripped her arm.

"You are not leaving me." He gritted out and she tugged her arm.

"Todd, let go." She said sternly and his grip visibly tightened. She withered around and whimpered.

"Please, let go." She cried and he smirked.

"She said let go." I interfered and he looked at me, my eyes dead set on his hand gripping her wrist, that was beginning to turn blue from the tightness.

"And what are you going to do about it, Penis?" He asked laughing. I walked over deadly calm, and he let her go. She grabbed her wrist and gave me pleading eyes.

"Peter, please don't." She pleaded and I stopped. He turned to her and raised his hand to hit her.

"Shut up, bitch." He went to slap her and I caught his wrist, applying pressure.

"Now, now Todd. Wouldn't want the star quarterback with a broken wrist, would we?" I asked tightening my grip and he yelled out in pain, shaking his head. I made him apologize and he scampered off. I turned to my princess and pulled her to me. "Sorry I didn't step in sooner. Are you okay?" I asked and she hugged me tightly.

"Thank you loser." She whispered and I leaned down, kissing her forehead. She was my MJ and I wouldn't want her any other way.

Spideychelle is my favorite, in case you couldn't tell. :)

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