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"Kid, my scanners are picking up on some kind of power build up, you gotta get outta there." Tony's voice rang through Peter's suit as the teen held the criminals hands back and Peter frowned.
"I almost got him, dad." Peter gritted out as a small ball of white light began to appear and the communication line went fuzzy.
"Kid, you need to-" Tony was cut off by the bright light engulfing Peter and the teen shut his eyes.
When he opened them he was still in the center of New York, yet something seemed off. He looked around for Tony or the other Avengers, but all he saw was a vacant street and destroyed buildings all around him.
"Dad?" Peter spoke into the suit, but got no response. "Karen, where is everyone?" Peter asked, but radio silence was all that was heard. "What happened here?" Peter muttered to himself as he stood up.
With a sigh, the hero walked the nearly deserted streets and soon arrived at the Avengers Tower, or at least, what was supposed to be the Avengers Tower. His eyes widened as he looked at the rundown building and ran inside.
"Dad! Aunt Tasha! Uncle Buck! Uncle Steve! Is anyone here?!" Peter yelled as he narrowly dodged part of the decaying building.
He was shocked when a suit came flying at him and if it wasn't for his senses telling him to move, he'd be flat on his back. He looked at the darkened suit and squinted.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" A voice asked, sounding more computer like than human.
"I-I'm Peter. Peter Parker. I'm-I'm looking for my family, the Aveng-" 
"Anyone looking for those criminals are also criminals. Don't resist and we might go easy on you." The voice spoke moving closer and Peter stepped back.
"What do you mean they're criminals? The Avengers are-"
"Murders. Thieves. Criminals who care nothing for the lives of other people." The voice cut Peter off and the teen fell over some rubble.
"Who-who are you?" Peter asked and the voice chuckled.

□□□□□ With The Avengers □□□□□

"What do you mean he's gone? He can't just be gone." Tony spoke in frustration to his suit and at this point, all of the other Avengers were gathered around.
"Where did Peter go?" Natasha asked and Tony frowned, turning to the villain.
"Why am I still here?" The guy asked as he looked down at his suit and his face contorted into a horrified look.
"You." Tony spoke, standing and walked over to the guy as he looked up in shock. "What did you do with Spiderman?" 
"You'll never know, will you?" The guy cackled and before Tony could do anything, Steve had the guy held up by his throat.
"You tell me what you did to him or-"
"Or what Mr. Star spangled banner? You don't scare me." The villain taunted and Steve smirked.
"I might not, but she will." Steve cocked his head back to the blonde who had several daggers hanging on her fingers and a sadistic look on her face.

₩₩₩ Scene Change Brought To You By The Reader's Confusion ₩₩₩₩₩

"You are making this harder than it should be, human." The voice spoke and Peter dodged another lazer aimed at him. 
He shot a web at the closest hole in the roof and pulled himself up. The suit came flying at him once more and Peter shot webs at the boots, causing the boosters to malfunction. The suit went descending to the ground and Peter took this chance to run away as fast as he could. 
"You may get away now, however we will find you later!" The suit yelled as Peter made his escape and the teen swung from building to building, landing on top of another decaying building. 
He ducked inside and silently thanked his father for the cloaking effect in his suit. He walked up to the window after putting the camouflage setting on and looked out at the city, just now taking in the damage around the city. Buildings were partially burned, sidewalks had huge cracks in them and power lines were hanging down all over the place.
"Wh-what happ-" Peter was cut off when the building's whole structure gave in and collapsed on the spider. The dust cleared and Peter felt helpless. He felt as if he was in that moment, still stuck under the rubble and calling out for help. 
He forgot he had his new suit on for a moment and instead began to panic as he felt the weight of the building crushing him. He wanted to cry out, to attempt to get help; but he knew it was a risk. No one would help him and he would give up his location to the bad guy or good guy? He wasn't sure yet, but he also didn't care as he attempted to lift the building with pure strength and nearly succeeded.
He was breathing heavily and collapsed under the rubble once more, suit going into automatic lockdown as his eyes began to shut. Just before he fully knocked out, he heard the sound of repulsers and for some reason, he felt okay. 

○○○○○ Scene Change Brought To You By The Readers Confusion ○○○○○

When Peter woke up, he looked around and was confused. He could've sworn he was crushed under a building and now he's in an unknown place. He looked around, feeling his whole body in pain and tried to find someone; anyone. 
"Hello?" Peter said aloud and only received silence in return. He sighed and tried to stand up, except his body was bound by rope to a chair. He panicked and fell back, breaking the wooden chair. As he stood up, he heard a door open and light flooded in, temporarily blinding the teen. 
"So you're awake, huh?" A familiar voice sounded and Peter frowned. Where did he know this voice from?
"Wh-who are you?" Peter stuttered and the voice chuckled. 
They shut the door and Peter was once more engulfed in darkness. The teen walked to the door and attempted to open it, but it was locked. Peter looked around, before realizing he had his suit on still. 
"Unlock suit. Code 0221." Peter spoke and the suit started up again. "Karen?" Peter asked and sighed when he got no response. 
He turned on night vision and was shocked to see that he was somewhere underground. There wasn't any windows and there was no other way out. He was trapped and knew no one would save him. The door opened and Peter turned off his night vision, before turning to see who it was. 
"No use trying to break free, you're stuck here with no way out." A new voice spoke and Peter gasped. He knew who this was, but why were they doing this?
                    Word Count: 1,144

Okay, so I know this is short, but I lost the ideas I had with this and was hoping that maybe if I post part 1, I'd have more ideas for the next part. I hope y'all like it and if you did, please vote and comment your opinions.

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