Radiating Powerful Gay Vibes..

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"Wade, what if.. One day, you wake up.. And I'm not there?" Peter asked as he lay with his boyfriend in the grass, just staring up at the clouds. Wade looked at him and smiled softly. 
"Then I'll never stop trying to find you."He replied and Peter tilted his head.
"What if I don't wanna be found?" He asked, looking into Wade's eyes, the eyes he always finds himself getting lost in. He's afraid that one day, he'll get so lost, he won't ever find his way out. 
"Then you won't be." Wade responded, not skipping a beat and Peter frowned.
"Petey, if you want to leave, then leave. I'll fight for you no matter what and despite what you say, I know you won't leave." Wade explained as he smiled at his angel.
"What if I want to find happiness?" Peter asked, cocking an eyebrow. 
"You don't need to look any further." Wade spoke as he caressed Peter's cheek. 
"What if I get lost?" Peter now whispered, their faces inches apart and Wade stared into his boyfriend's caring eyes. 
"Then I'll get lost with you." 
"What if I fall?" Peter asked, now closing his eyes and Wade moved closer. 
"I'll catch you." He whispered and closed the distance. 

£££££ Scenery Change Brought To You By Wade Being 21 And Peter Being 18(Don't Hate Me) £££££££

"Sweetie, come on. You need some rest." He spoke as he watched his lover who's been awake for 4 days straight.
"I-I gotta finish this-" A crash was heard and he barely had time to catch his beloved. He rushed to catch his one and only, barely making it. He lifted his lover into his arms and sighed, shaking his head.
"Let's go-"
"Stephen, im-"
"Going to sleep, Tony. You've been at it for 4 days straight and you'll collapse soon, if you don't get some rest." Strange reprimanded with pleading eyes as Stark sighed.
"Okay.." He gave up and the Dr. smiled.
"Good, now. Let's go lay down."

₩₩₩₩ Another Scene Change Brought To You By Ironstange Being An Icon ₩₩₩₩

"Bucky, I don't know if we-"
"Alright, Bucky. Steve. You wanted us here?" Tony asked as he sat on Strange's lap and partially glared at Peter sitting on Wade's lap. 
"Sweetie, relax. They're happy together and I refuse to let you get in the way of Peter's happiness. Besides, it was one-"
"He almost killed our kid!" Tony exclaimed as his eyes widened and Peter sighed.(30 comments and 60 votes for this one shot?)
"Dad, it wasn't that big of a deal-"
"Not that big of a deal?! Peter, he could've-"
"I would never let anything happen to Peter!" Wade exclaimed, hugging Peter tighter to him and the eighteen year old blushed.
"Well, he almost-"
"See babe, I told you no one would-"
"BABE?!" Almost everyone exclaimed as Bucky started talking to Steve and the two froze. Peter burst out laughing and everyone turned to him in one creepy motion, causing Peter to shiver.
"Please, never do that again. You looked like a committee." Peter shivered and Wade chuckled.
"Why aren't you surprised-"
"And why are you laughing?" Strange finished for Tony and Peter coiled further into Wade.
"Dad, pops when you do that, it's-"
"Creepy?" Wade asked and Peter smacked him upside the head.
"Don't you start." Peter groaned and Wade frowned.
"Ow Petey, no need to be violent."
"Wait, so why weren't you surprised?" Natasha asked and Peter smirked.
"I get powerful gay vibes radiating off of them." Steve's eyes widened and everyone gave Peter a 'what-the-hell?" look. The teen shrugged and grinned.
"Your gay vibes are worse than Pops and Dad." Peter chuckled and Strange furrowed his eyebrows, while Tony raised an eyebrow. 
"Is that good, or bad?" Peter shrugged and looked around.
"I mean, we all have powerful gay vibes." 
             Word Count: 637

Okay, so.. this is all over the fuckin place. Anyway, I know it's short, but I chose the top three requested ships.. I thought this was kinda cute. This is the last short one shot(I hope). I just like, didn't know how to continue this and it's pretty cute, so. Please vote and comment your opinions (besides saying it's too short)

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