Sorry For Her..

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"I'm so nervous." Peter spoke, uneasy as he got dressed in his tux. "What if she doesn't show up?" 

"Don't worry, kid. I've seen the way she steals glances at you. She'll definitely show." Tony spoke as he straightened his son's tie.

"Thank you." He smiled and Tony smiled back.

"No problem, kid. Everyone gets jitters when they-"

"No, not for the reassurance." He cut him off and Tony raised an eyebrow.

"What are you thanking me for then?" Tony questioned and Peter smiled sadly.

"Thank you for taking me in. I know it wasn't easy to raise a teen, no less an enhanced teen. When you and Pepper took me in, you two became the closest thing I had to parents, besides May and though we're not blood related, you both treated me as if I was your own. Not a lot of people would take in a kid who is an orphan and raised them as their own kid; especially after having their own.” Peter spoke truthfully and Tony was left speechless. 

“It’s time.” Natasha spoke as she opened the door and smile. You look so handsome, ребенок паук. MJ's one lucky girl." Natasha remarked and Peter smiled brightly at her.

"You look gorgeous Aunt Tasha, as always." Natasha wiped a tear and looked to Tony. 

"You both have 5 minutes to get your asses there." With that, she turned around and walked away with sass. Peter chuckled and shook his head, starting to walk to the door.
"Son.." Tony spoke, stopping Peter in his tracks.

"Yea da-" He was cut off as he turned around and Tony wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm-I'm proud to call you that. You are my son, blood related are not." Tony said as he pulled back and looked into his son's eyes. He smiled and rubbed his head. "Now, let's go before your Aunt murders us." Peter nodded and the two left the room to go to the roof. As Peter neared the exit to the roof, he could hear the music playing and took a deep breath.

"It's finally time." He breathed as he pushed open the door. He walked up to the altar and waited nervously. The music picked up and the bridesmaids started to make their way down. Peter looked to his parents and saw his mom already close to tears, while Tony had a proud smile on his face.

Peter looked back to the aisle and his mouth nearly dropped. Walking down the aisle was MJ in a gorgeous dress, being walked down by her father. Her mother was in the front row, tears falling down at her baby girl getting married. Peter felt happiness from the pit of his soul, knowing that he gets to marry his beautiful angel. 

As MJ reached the altar, Peter reached his hands out for her own. Grabbing hold of his hands, she stepped up and stood across from him. They continued to hold hands as the priest spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together of two souls and two hearts. Normally, I would be saying the vows and have both of you say your 'I dos' however, I believe the groom has his own vows written for the bride to be. I shall now hand it over to him." The priest spoke and Peter smiled at everyone's shocked gazes. MJ stared at him with amazement and Peter cleared his throat, squeezing her hands gently.

"Michelle Jones, my love, my life, the other half of my heart. It's been 10 years since we met, 9 since we became friends and 8 since we started dating. Throughout all those years, we've managed to stay together and keep out head held high through everything. From the press finding out I exist, to revealing I'm spiderman, your father hating me, and almost losing one another more than once. 

Every single thing we've been together, somehow made us become closer. Today, I stand before you with friends and family gathered to take your hand in marriage. With this ring, I promise honesty, love, and loyalty. I promise you will never cry alone. I promise to always try my hardest to make you smile. I promise to love you beyond everything in this world and the next. I promise to never let you go to bed angry and always get you chocolate ice cream when you want it. With this ring, I promise all those things and more and I hope you take it, never taking it off." By the end of the speech, everyone in the room were crying their eyes out. MJ was amazed with all that she had heard and couldn't believe how amazing her husband to be was.

"Now, time for the bride to speak her vows to the groom." 

"Um, I'm not so sure what to say-" MJ chuckled and the crowd joined her, as she wiped some of her tears. "Gosh, that speech was amazing and I don't know how I'll ever beat that. Okay, well, this was such short notice, but here it goes. Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark, my best friend, my soulmate, you're everything that I could ever ask for. 
For the longest time, I could never understand why you'd pick someone like me, but now, standing at this altar today, I've realized there's nothing to question. I see the love in your eyes, the smile on your face when you think I'm not looking, the way you text me at work to make sure I'm okay. You always make sure I'm okay, even when you're not. The first time I realized you were different, was the day you saw me crying over an ex and what you said to me has always stuck out. You said, "princess, always keep your head up; your crown is slipping." and from that day, I knew you'd always do whatever you can to make me smile. 

The way you care for people is beyond anything I've ever seen. You're a freaking billionaire, yet the only money I've ever seen you spend was on other people. Today, I will gladly take your hand in marriage, and I hope you feel the same. With this ring, I promise to love and hold you as if today was my last day with you. I promise to always keep you smiling and take your side, even when you're wrong. I promise to always be faithful, loyal, loving and caring with you. I promise to never let you be upset. With this ring, I promise everything I could ever give you and I hope you feel the same as I do." MJ finished and Peter was close to tears. The priest smiled greatly at the two and looked to the crowd.

"If there are any objections to why these two shall not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." Shuri stood and everyone was shocked.

"Yes, that's my wife and I don't appreciate him- mhnbdjk." A hand went over her mouth and she tried to mumble going off while T'Challa sighed.

"Sorry for her, she does this all the time. Continue marrying the love birds being married." T'Challa excused and the priest cleared his throat, shaking away his shock.

"Michelle Jones, do you take Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold; love and to cherish; outweigh the good and the bad with, for as long as you live?" 

"I do." Came her immediate response.

"Do you, Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark take Michelle Jones to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold; love and to cherish; outweigh the good and the bad with, for as long as you live?"

"I do." 

"Then, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." With those words, Peter pulled a shocked MJ to him and kissed her sweetly. Everyone applauded and took pictures of the lovely couple. This was just the beginning of their new life together and it couldn't be more perfect.

                       Word Count: 1,349

Sooooo part 2? I liked this one. It was requested by albelg07

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