Regret Sets In..

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I realized as soon as I got to my room how much I fucked up with my kid and pulled my hair. He probably hates me and thinks I don't want him. I heard a knock on my door and looked over to see Natasha.

"That wasn't right Tony." She shook her head and I sighed. "You still haven't told anyone, have you?" I shook my head and looked down. She was referring to the fact that I'm bisexual. I always have been, and though I love Pepper, I'm also in love with Stephen.

The only ones who know are Pepper, Natasha and Rhodey. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's actually why Steve and I have so much hatred between us. He left me for Bucky once he found out the dude was alive and I couldn't forgive him for almost killing me because of him. Pepper was okay with this since she supported me no matter what I did and I'm glad I have her. She is the mother of Peter after all, how could I not love her after she gave me the gift of a wonderful son.

"No." I sighed and sat on my bed. I only freaked out because I know how it is to date men, and I can relate to the problems women have with them. I didn't want him to end up with someone who'll hurt him and I accidentally flipped.


"This-this is Asgard?" Uncle Loki smiled down at me and nodded.

"This is my home. Come with me so I could introduce you to my father, Odin." I nodded smiling and followed him. I looked around in awe at my surroundings and saw people pointing or glaring at Uncle Loki. I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Uncle Loki?" He hummed, but didn't stop and I looked up at him. "Why does everyone here glare and whisper about you?" I asked and he looked down at me. His face was emotionless, but his eyes showed sadness and hurt.

"I'm an outsider here. I'm not really an Asgardian, I'm actually a Frost Giant. The king, my father Odin, found me and changed my appearance. Somehow people found out about me, and the entirety of Asgard was told by those who knew. We have a treaty Frost Giants, though Asgardians still see them as vile and horrible creatures." I frowned and looked around at everyone. They looked curious as they noticed, but turned their noses up as they saw who I was with.

"Man of Spiders, what are you doing here?" I saw Uncle Thor wave at me and smiled, hugging him. Uncle Loki pulled him aside, and I'm guessing he told Uncle Thor what happened, because he sent me a sorrowful look. "Come, you must meet father!" He exclaimed and picked me up, running into a castle. We stopped short in front of an old man, wearing an eye patch and he had long white hair. He looked up and smiled at Thor, but narrowed his eye when he saw me. I gave an awkward smile, Uncle Loki stepping forward as he finally caught up to us.

"Father, I'd like to introduce Peter Parker. He comes from midgard and is the purest soul I know." Mr. Odin seemed interested that his youngest son was talking so highly of a mortal and looked towards Uncle Thor, who nodded.

"Thor, put your hammer on the step in front of my throne." He nodded and placed his hammer right where Mr. Odin pointed. "Peter, I believe it was?" I nodded and he smiled. "I want you to pick up the hammer." Uncle Thor's and my eyes widened and I shook my head.

"Sir, I don't think-"

"Just try Peter." Uncle Loki gave me a knowing look and nodded encouragingly. I slowly walked over and gripped the handle. I turned my head to Uncle Thor as I attempted to lift the hammer and frowned when my arm rose up. I looked down, not even looking at their faces.

"I told you-"

"Peter, look." Uncle Loki spoke and I looked at him. He pointed behind me and I turned to see the hammer in my hand and off the ground. Mr. Odin's and Uncle Thor's faces were filled with shock and I gingerly handed the hammer over to Uncle Thor, taking my place next to Uncle Loki once again.

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