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"Are you sure everyone is going out?" Peter asked his mother as she was getting ready and Pepper nodded.

"Yes, but I still think it's morally wrong you haven't told the others yet." Pepper spoke with a look.

"You know they're all hardcore Spideychelle shippers, especially Katniss. I don't want them to freak out too much when we've only been dating for a little while." Peter explained, rolling his eyes and Pepper giggled.

"I know sweetie, but what happens when they do find out?" She asked and Peter sighed.

"I-I don't know. Please, keep this between us for right now? Please?" Peter begged and Pepper smiled lightly. She leaned in and kissed his forehead.

"I won't. Tony! Let's go!" Pepper yelled and Tony came running into the room, tie undone still and hair a slight mess. She sighed and shook her head, fixing Tony's tie and hair. "We'll be back later tonight. If you need anything, let us or the others know. I love you."

"Love you too, mom." Peter gave her one last hug before they both left. Peter jumped up in joy and ran to grab his phone.

"What's up loser?" MJ answered and Peter smiled.

"Well, I wanted to know if a gorgeous girl wanted to have a date tonight?" Peter asked and MJ blushed on the phone.

"Sure." She answered and Peter gave her the details, before hanging up and getting ready.

He ran to his room and grabbed the fairy lights he had, hanging them all in the living room using his webs to keep them on the wall. He then ran to the kitchen and got dinner ready. He found the movie he wanted to watch with her and got it ready to go when she got there. He made a fort of pillows and blankets, making sure its comfy and spacious.

"Peter, Michelle Jones is down stairs for you." Peter ran to the kitchen and pulled out the lasagna, before running downstairs.

"He-hello beau-beautiful." Peter greeted, breathless after literally running down to the 1st floor.

"You know, there was an elevator that doesn't take a lot of energy." MJ said as she rolled her eyes and Peter grinned.

"That's too long, princess." Peter spoke and MJ rolled her eyes with a smile.

"You're an idiot." She commented as she began to walk away.

"Ouch princess, that hurt. Your words are bullets to my heart." Peter had his hand on his chest over his heart as he caught up to her. MJ shoved him lightly and he grabbed her hand before she could retract her arm. He pulled her to him and smiled up at her.

"You're so corny." Mj spoke as Peter's smile widened.

"But that's why you love me." Peter leaned in and kissed her. She smiled into the kiss and they pulled apart. Peter lead her to the elevator and went up to the top floor. They walked out of the elevator and MJ gasped.

"You did this all for me?" MJ asked shocked and Peter nodded. MJ glanced at the fairy lights draped all over, then looked to the fort and walked over to it. She sniffed the air and smelled the lasagna Peter had made.

"Do you like it?" Peter asked as he brought in the lasagna with two plates and glasses of sparkling apple juice.

"This is gorgeous." MJ whispered and Peter smiled as he put the items in his hands on the small table in the fort. They sat down and enjoyed their meal, MJ slightly moaning at how good the food was.

"You like it?" Peter asked with a genuine smile and she nodded, swallowing her mouth full.

"It tastes amazing. The way the cheese melts in your mouth and the tomato sauce, it's like nothing I've ever tasted before." MJ spoke with a dreamy look. "I think I wanna marry the chef." MJ admitted and Peter chuckled.

"Good thing I wanna marry you too." Peter grinned and MJ's eyes went wide.

"You made this?!" MJ exclaimed and Peter rubbed the back of his neck, a blush forming.

"Well, yea. I wanted this night to be perfect." Peter spoke shyly. He was really flattered that MJ enjoys his cooking. The only people to have his food was the Avengers, but it was only one time. Since then, everyone always begged him to cook.

"Awe, Pete-"

"Kid! We're home!" Tony's voice spoke and Peter heard all the heartbeats of the others.
"Do you guys smell that? It smells like.. Peter's cooking!" Clint exclaimed and Peter rolled his eyes. He could imagine Clint's mouth watering from the smell.

"Hey, what is all- MJ?" Tony asked as the others approached. Peter smiled awkwardly and MJ raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, he-hey everyone." Peter spoke, nervously.

"Is this a date?!" Steve asked excitedly and Peter shook his head quickly.

"You cooked for her. You don't cook for anyone and you two are holding hands." Natasha pointed out and Peter blushed more as MJ blushed as she looked down at the intertwined fingers.

"How long has this been going on?!" Clint exclaimed, excited.

"1 year." MJ answered and everyone gasped.

"You've been together for a year and didn't tell us?!"

"How could you?!"

"I expected this."

"Why didn't you tell us, kid?" Tony asked, hurt in his eyes.

"This is why! You all go crazy when you see us together!' Peter exclaimed and everyone chuckled.

"We're kidding, Peter."

"We've suspected you two were together." Tony ended and Peter sighed.

"If you all are done, I was currently on a-"

"Ooo, is this Bright?"

"I've been wanting to watch that movie!" Everyone got themselves seated and grabbed the popcorn. Peter looked to MJ exasperated and she giggled. She held her arms out and Peter smiled. They all got comfortable and pressed play.

"Wait, is there anymore lasagna?" Clint asked and received glares from everyone. "What? I'm hungry and your cooking is amazing!" Clint tried to reason and Peter chuckled. He pointed towards the kitchen and Clint ran to it.

"WHAT?! THAT WAS MINE!" Clint was heard yelling as Sam walked out of the kitchen.

"Didn't see your name on it." Sam spoke as he ate the last of the lasagna. Everyone stared at the two dumbfounded. Peter looked down at MJ and she smiled at him from his chest.

"I love you." Peter whispered and MJ sat up, leaning to his lips.

"I love you too." She whispered, closing the gap.

"Ew! PDA! Tony make it stop!" Clint exclaimed like a girl. Peter shot a web at his mouth and everyone remained quiet as MJ punched Clint, not breaking the kiss.

Word Count: 1108

Prompt given to me by JustFour4FuN

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