They're Back..

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"M-mistake? What are you talk-"
"Haven't you ever wondered why you have spider DNA, yet no one else in your family does? Or why your brother's afraid of the dark?" The guy chuckled and Peter frowned. The guy on the wall broke free and Peter tried to follow, but lost the guy a few blocks away. 
He landed on the roof a block away from where he met with the people who took Harley and stared at the building. There was no security and no one seemed to be on the premises. He swung through a window and landed on the floor.
"Harley?" His voice echoed throughout the building and Peter turned on night vision. 
He looked around the empty room and wanted to pull his hair out. His brother wasn't here and there was no one he could tell. He couldn't put the people he loves in danger and he refused to involve his father. His phone went off and he took it out as he pulled his mask off, reading the message quietly to himself. He had disconnected his phone from his suit so as to give Karen a chance to contact his father or the others.
"Did you really think we'd be that stupid? Follow the instructions, or your brother dies. -RS" Peter clenched his fist and pulled his mask on. He put his phone away and turned to the window, swinging to the building next door.

₩₩₩ Time Skip Brought To You By A Vague Story Left Unfinished ₩₩₩

"Hey Pep, how are you feeling?" Tony asked as he entered the room and Pepper looked up from her Stark tablet.
"Hey honey." Pepper responded and Tony snatched the Stark tablet.
"Nope, absolutely not. You are not working for two weeks, especially after you just gave birth." Tony shook his head and Pepper raised an eyebrow.
"Tony, give it back. Someone has to-"
"I already have Nat looking over the company while you're out of commission. You should be resting." Pepper looked around and then back to her husband.
"Where's our boys? I thought they'd-"
"They're in the lab finishing up their model of C-3PO. Don't worry about those two." Tony lied and Pepper was suspicious, but yawned. "Looks like someone's tired." 
"I'm not-" Pepper cut off with another yawn and Tony raised an eyebrow. "Fine, I'll go to sleep. However, tell the boys they need to go to bed soon. It might be summer, but-"
"Don't worry about them, just get your rest. I'll look after them." Pepper nodded and Tony leaned down to kiss her, offering her a smile.
"I love you." Pepper whispered as Tony pulled away and leaned his forehead on hers.
"I love you more." Tony turned off the lights and walked to the door. He looked at his wife once more and sighed. "Now to find our sons." Tony muttered as he softly closed the door and walked to the elevator. Thankfully, Pepper gave birth in Medbay and Tony was able to get back to his lab immediately. 
"Anything?" Tony asked as he stepped into his lab and was shocked to see his oldest son. "Peter! What-"
"They have Harley." Peter cut his father off and Tony looked at his son head to toe.
"Is that blood?" The adult asked and Peter looked down. "Peter?"
"I-I didn't want to, but.." Peter started, but trailed off and Tony took a step forward. "No, stay back.. please." Peter muttered, fear and pain in his voice.
"I-I killed someone.." Peter whispered and Tony looked over at Natasha. 
"Who did you kill, Peter?" Clint budded in and Natasha moved closer.
"I don't-I don't know. They said, if I didn't follow directions they'd- I have to go. I shouldn't be-" Peter was cut off by Tony sending Natasha a nod and the spy grabbed the teen in a hug.
"Hold it, son. Where do you think you're going?" Tony asked as he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"No, you-you have to let me go! They have Harley! I have to find him." Peter exclaimed as he lightly pulled away, not wanting to hurt his aunt.
"No! I can't be here! Aunt Tasha, I don't wanna hurt you.. please.. let me go.." Peter cried and Tony stepped forward as Natasha tightened her grip.
"I can't-" Natasha was cut off by Peter pushing her slightly rough and she nearly fell back. Peter shot webs at everyone and ran to the window. He opened it, just to have Vision block his way.
"Uncle Vis, please." Peter pleaded as he looked at the others who were carefully closing in. "I'm sorry.." Peter whispered as he shot one of his new static webs and sent a huge surge of electricity through the being. Vision was surprised and the electricity stunned him momentarily; long enough for Peter to get past him. 

◇◇◇ Time Skip Brought To You By This Mess Of A One Shot ◇◇◇◇

"Tisk, tisk, tisk. You had one job, Peter." A voice sounded in the dark warehouse and Peter bowed his head.
"Please, let my little brother go. He does-"
"Petey boy, you should know better than anyone; every action has a consequence-"
"Take me instead! I won't run or disobey. Just, please let Harley go.. please.." Peter begged and the lights came on. The teen looked to the balcony type thing in the building and froze.
"You'll comply to our every command?" The newly revealed face questioned and Peter bowed his head, forcing tears back.
"If… you let my brother go and promise not to hurt my family." 
"Haven't you learned-"
"You're after the 'mistake' which is me, right? I could end my life right now and press the button for my fail safe, which would burn my body to ash. You wouldn't want that, now would you?" Peter threatened and the person grimaced. 
"As much as I would love for that, the high commander would not be pleased. Your brother shall be taken home as we speak, however as for you? Well.. let's just say, you're no longer going to be "the friendly neighborhood Spiderman"." The man laughed heavily and Peter bit his lip to hold in the tears. He would never let them see him cry, but at least he saved his brother and saw everyone's faces one last time.

♧♧♧ Time Skip Brought To You By Peter's Compromise ♧♧♧

Tony was flying and looking for Peter, when he saw a teenager around Harley's age on the ground and he landed. He had rushed over to the teen and almost hesitated in fear. He had Friday do a body scan and was thankful when he learned the kid was just knocked out, no bodily harm. When he turned the kid over, he saw his sons face and tried to wake him up.
"Kid! Kid? Come on, Harley." Tony spoke as he tried to wake his kid and looked around for his other son. 
"Anyone find Peter or Harley, yet?" Natasha spoke through the coms and mainly everyone responded with a no.
"I found Harley. He was laying on the ground, passed out in the alley from before." Tony spoke as he lifted his son into his arms and got ready to take off.
"What do we do, Tony?" Clint asked and Tony frowned.
"Continue searching for Peter and I'll take Harley home. Maybe he knows something that would help us find my other son." 
The iron suit took off and soon, they arrived home. Tony lay Harley on the couch and sighed. He tried to think of a way to wake his kid, but his genius mind couldn't think of anything and the time for finding Peter was becoming even more frustrating. 
"Peter!" Harley exclaimed as he shot up and Tony turned to his son quickly. He rushed over to the couch he was laying on and saw tears in Harley's eyes. 
"Kid?" Tony questioned and Harley jumped, before turning his head to the voice. 
"D-dad?" Harley asked and embraced his father tightly. Tony felt Harley shake and held him tightly.
"What happened, Harls?" Tony asked in a soothing voice and he felt Harley tense.
"They-they're back.." Harley whispered and Tony's eyes scrunched together.
"Who?" Tony questioned and Harley's voice was extremely low when he answered.
"The ones who took Peter when we were younger.." Harley whispered and Tony froze.

₩₩₩ Flashback Because I Think Everyone Wants Answers ₩₩₩

"Come on, Peter. We should get home." A 7 year old Harley whined as the two were at the park and an 8 year old Peter grinned.
"We'll go in a few minutes, Harley. I just wanna play for a few more minutes." Peter went down the slide and looked up to the sky. A ray of light purple and stars filled the sky, causing Peter to sigh. "Okay, let's go." 
The two kids walked out of the park and down the streets of Manhattan, headed towards the Avengers tower. The two made it to an alleyway when they saw a car slowing down and Peter turned to Harley.
"Harley, when I give you the signal, run. Run as fast as you can, and don't look back, not even for me. Get home quickly and get dad." Peter whispered and Harley nodded in fear. 
The doors to the car opened and Peter glanced at Harley, the two still walking a bit quicker. It was even darker outside by now and Harley was terrified. Footsteps approached the kids slowly and Peter took a deep breath. He locked eyes with Harley and nodded. The younger kid nodded back and took off. 
"Peter!" Harley exclaimed as he turned his head and saw his brother trying to fight off the men from the car.
"Ru-run Harley! Run as fast as you can! I'll-I'll be o-okay." Peter stuttered out as one of the guys pulled the kid to him and the other turned to Harley. "Run!" 
Harley took off faster than he ever had before and soon, there were no footsteps behind him. He continued running home and his legs started to give out, but he didn't stop. He finally reached the building and just as he got to the elevator, he fell. His eyes closed and he couldn't breath. His chest was hurting along with his lungs and soon, all he saw was darkness. 
                      Word Count: 1,729

Okay, so.. yea, there's the story of the 'attack' and the reason Harley is terrified of the dark. Part 3? Also, please vote and comment your opinions.

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