We Both Would've Been Dead..

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I looked from Natasha to the picture and sighed. I pulled the frame away from me and she smiled.
"She's lovely, Stark. However, that's not Pepper, is it?" I shook my head and sighed. I continued to stare at the woman in the photo and tried to force the tears back. 
"Her name was Mary." I began and she continued to stare at the picture.
"What does she have to do with Peter, Tony?" She questioned and I clenched my fists.
"She was his mother.." 

£££ Time Skip Because I Know Ya'll Love Them So Much(Please note my sarcasm) £££

"Kid?" I opened my eyes to Mr. Roger's standing above me and Mr. Dr. Banner beside me. 
"H-hi, Mr. Roger's. Mr. Dr. Banner, where-where am I?" 
"You're at the tower. We found you on the ground when we showed up to catch Loki. He had you pretty beaten up, kid. You're lucky to be alive." 
"I'm-I'm not lucky. M-mr. Loki allowed me to live." I stuttered and Mr. Roger's seemed confused.
"He let you live? And he told you this?" 
"Yes, sir. He said "I shall allow you to live. It'll be interesting to watch how you'll survive." But, I saw something in his eyes. It was faint and barely noticeable, but something was there. I-I don't know what it was.." I tried to think back, but my head had a sharp pain that pushed to the service. 
I screamed out in pain and slammed my head against the bed as my body went up. I could feel the pain from my slightly healed side and screamed out in worse pain. Everything hurt and I was having a hard time breathing. The pain became too much and I was once more engulfed in darkness.

<\3 <\3 <\3 Scene Change Brought To You By A Heart Broken Man <\3 <\3 <\3

"What do you mean, that's Peter's mother?" Natasha asked with a raised eyebrow and I frowned.
"We were highschool sweethearts. Everyone always said we'd end up together, but once I lost my parents.. I pushed her away, I pushed everyone away. She still tried to push herself into my life, but one day.. I said so many horrible words to her and.. she left. I became a playboy, while she found love and had a child. That child was Peter."  Tears started to pour out on its own accord and Natasha frowned.
"I still don't understand- what happened to her?" Natasha asked and my eyes darkened. I put the frame down and let my hair cover my eyes.
"Hammer." I stated and tightened my grip, breaking the wooden frame in my hand. "The night of my Expo, Mary had brought Peter. He was a huge fan of Iron Man and Mary was all for him going. The father had died in a plane crash, and since then, Mary had been trying to make Peter as happy as he could be. Peter had wandered away from Mary and the drones began to attack. I had stopped as a drone was about to fire at the kid and shot it away. 
I told the kid good job and just as I started to fly away towards the other drones, a huge explosion went off. I flew in to save as many people as I could, but froze as I saw a familiar woman with burns all over her. I landed and walked to her, starting to run and as I reached her, my faceplate went up. I called out her name and she smiled at me, blood dripping from her lips.
I pulled her into my arms and had Jarvis at the time, scan her body to register how serious the injuries were. She had no chance and tears started to fall. She gave me a small smile and managed to lift her hand to my face. She wiped a tear and let out a laugh, which caused her to cough some. She whispered to me that she loved me and to please look after her son." I explained as my hands began to shake and I was having a hard time breathing. I laughed breathlessly and ran my hands through my hair. 
"God, I'm such a fuck up, Nat. I'm so fucked up, I couldn't even live up to a woman I loved wishes! Can you believe that? What kind of sick, twisted bastard am I?" I chuckled as tears poured and I felt pain in my chest.
"She shouldn't have trusted me with her kid. I can't do shit for him. All I am is a drunken, pathetic asshole. Why didn't she entrust him to his aunt-"
"Because she died." I looked up at Steve who cut me off and he was frowning. "She had cancer, Tony. She was diagnosed when Peter was eight and only had seven years to live. She passed away when Peter was fourteen. You have been looking over him, Friday told me about the money you would send to Peter." Steve stated and my eyes saddened. The kid had no one left, and here I am treating him like shit.
"God damn it." I slammed my hand into the glass pile and held back my cry of pain. I didn't deserve to feel pain, not after this. 
"Why did you treat him like shit, Tony?" Natasha asked softly and I narrowed my eyes.
"If he didn't wander away from Mary, maybe she would still be here." 
"What if he did? They both would be gone-"
"It's his fault! If he would've just stayed with his mother and didn't wander off-"
"I-I would be dead, just like her.." I looked up at the kid and everyone was concerned.
"You're supposed to be-"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark that I brought you so much pain. I'm sorry I wandered off and caused my mom's death. I can't change the past and though I wish I could, what would that do? If I would've stayed with her, we both would be dead. Don't forget, those drones caused everyone to panic and my mother was pushed to where she was. I was a child, I could easily get around, but my mom was pushed over there by the crowd. If I hadn't wandered off, she still would've been pushed to the place she was. She still would've been dead." Peter turned to the door and opened it, turning slightly to the group.
"Thank you everyone for your care, but I must go. Wouldn't want to make Mr. Stark, more upset with my presence." He walked out and I looked down at the picture in my hand. He looks just like his mother. Another sharp pain went through my hair and I stood. I walked to the door and started to walk after the kid.
"Fri, where is Peter?" I asked my AI and continued to walk.
"He has left the building, sir." 
"Shit." I pressed the button on my suit and flew over buildings. I spotted the kid swinging from building to building, holding his side as he crashed onto one. I flew to him and landed. I stepped out of my suit and walked to his body. He lay on his side, trembling and silently sobbing.
"P-please, go away Mr. Stark-" I cut him off by pulling him into a hug. 
"I'm sorry, Peter." I whispered and he cried on my shoulder. 
              Word Count: 1,238

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