Fatherly Son Bonding..

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Trigger warning for those of  you who were  affected by Peter's death in Infinity War...


I searched through the crowd, looking for the one person I defeated Thanos for. The one person who can easily calm me down and who I will openly admit has me wrapped around their finger.

I started to panic when the person still hadn't come into view and searched even more frantically. I ran into Steve and Wanda, along with most of the team, but I didn't have the time to catch up with them. I had only one person on my mind and I need to find them.


"No time Steve." I brushed him off and continued on. He followed and some of the others did as well.

"What do you mean 'no time' Tony? We're your teammates and half of us just returned from the soul stone!" He exclaimed, but I couldn't find myself caring.

I stopped in the middle of the room and almost fell to my knees. He's not here. I jumped when Natasha's hand touched my shoulder and turned to them, tears brimming the water lines of my eyes.

"Tony.." Natasha whispered and I just looked down.

"Mr. Stark?" I heard his angelic voice and swung in his direction. He was standing there with half of the guardians and Strange, a portal closing as they walked to me. I ran and wrapped my arms around the 16 year old.

"Oh my god, Peter." I whispered and hugged him tighter. His arms wrapped around me as well and I felt teardrops falling on my shoulder.

"I missed you, Mr. Stark." He whispered and I closed my eyes, breathing normally.

"It's still Tony, kid." I mentioned and let out a low chuckle. We hugged a few minutes more, before the sound of someone clearing their throat broke up our little reunion.

"Seriously, Tony?" Steve asked angrily and I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked, wrapping my arm around Peter and holding him to me, so he doesn't disappear again.

"You were worried about some random kid you barely know, but don't have time for your teammates?! The people who have saved your ass several times?!" He exclaimed and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Some random kid?" I asked and his eyes held fire towards the kid, causing me to get protective and stand in front of Peter.

"Just because you gave the kid a suit and saved his life, doesn't compare to how you're treating your teammates. We have been there for you long before this kid showed up and now, he's all you care about. Others disappeared, but the kid was always the only one you cared about and were worried for." He explained and I took a step towards him.

"You don't get it, none of you do. This 'random kid' means a lot to me. I watched the kid essentially die right before my eyes. I held him as he said his last words. The way he cried about not wanting to leave, saying sorry to me and tears rolling down his eyes as he slowly disintegrated in my arms."

Unlike the others, this kid felt the pain of leaving because of his abilities. Do you know how mortifying and painful it is to watch a 16 year old, who's done absolutely nothing die right before you? Do you know how haunting it is to have a fatherly son bond with a kid who can change a person in a matter of 2 years, cry and beg to stay, while you're standing there helpless?"

I was covered completely in his ashes, Steve! I lost the one person who could ever stop a panic attack just by talking to me! I was left on another planet with the ashes of everyone around me. Excuse me, if I wanted to make sure my son was still alive and okay." I finished and he just looked pissed, while the others looked at me with pity and sadness, tears filled Wanda's eyes. I turned back around and saw Peter crying.

"Y-you really see me as a son?" He asked and I nodded with a smile on my face. I meant every word and I'm not letting my son go again. I held him tightly and walked to the kitchen, knowing he was hungry.

&&&&&& Time Skip Brought To You By The Readers Just Getting Over The Tears From That Sweet And Sentimental Moment Between Father And Son &&&&&&&&

"Where's Peter?" I asked Sam as I came into the living room and he sneered.

"I don't know." He walked away and I turned to Bucky, who was baking in the kitchen.

"Do you know where my son is?" I asked, annoyed that I had to talk to the murderer. He turned to me and looked awkward.

"I-" He started, but another voice cut in.

"The brat went to the park with Wanda." He stated as he grabbed some coffee and I narrowed my eyes.

"My son is not-"

"Tony!" Wanda exclaimed as she ran into the kitchen and I turned to her.

"Where's Peter?" I was scared. They went to the park, so why is she here, but he's not?

"He-he-" I looked to the elevator and gasped when I saw him being carried by Happy and laid on the couch. I rushed over and looked him over.

"What happened?" I turned to Wanda and she was crying.

"A-a kid came out of nowhere and started beating on Peter. I begged Peter to fight back, and tried to get the guy off him, but Peter refused to fight back and asked me not to use magic."

Peter's face had a bloody nose, black eye, busted lip, bruises starting to form and dirt covered him. He seemed to just be knocked out and I sighed. Sam, Natasha, Bruce and some of the other avengers walked into the room and Natasha gasped.

"What happened to the kid?" She asked and Sam looked upset/angry, clenching his fists as Wanda reiterated the story and Sam muttered a curse. They all left and I sat with Peter.

Why can I never protect the people I love? (I don't know how to end this)                                                                                                        Word Count: 1021

So, um, part 2? I'm sorry for the long wait. I'm going to come back to this one shot later on in the chapters cause I kinda can't think of an ending right now. Please vote and comment your opinions below. Prompt given by  sita_2003  I typed this when I was high, sorry for those of you who read the unedited part and had to deal with my fucked up typing.

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