I Wanted To Talk To You.. Spiderman

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Peter's spidey sense was going off as he was on his way home and he felt off about it. He looked around for danger but was met with empty streets of New York, which is quite odd for the city that never sleeps. He continued on his way, heading home from a late decathlon meeting and keeping his guard up. He sighed and relaxed a bit, spidey senses still going off. Once he reached his apartment, he opened the door and slung his bag on the couch. He walked to the kitchen and sighed when he found a plate of food wrapped in a ceramic wrap on the table with a note.

"Home alone, again.." Peter whispered as he grabbed his bag on his way to his room and threw himself on his bed. He got up and put on his suit, deciding to do the one thing he's been neglecting all week. Heading out of the window, he felt a strange feeling, as if he was being watched and he pulled his mask down quickly as he scanned the area, but spotted no one.

"Karen, do a scan over the area," Peter said as a heat detector popped up on the screen.

"There is no one outside in this area, currently at this time." Peter sighed and shook his head. 
He was probably just stressed from everything and it's causing him to imagine stuff. He swung from building to building and looked out over the unusually quiet city before a call came through his suit. He looked at the screen and smiled.

"Hey, Mr. Stark. What's up?" Peter answered the billionaire and landed on a nearby rooftop.

"Well, you were supposed to be here after school, and it's about 10 at night so I was just trying to put together why you didn't show up," Tony said as noise in the background was heard. Peter cursed silently and sighed.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark. The decathlon meeting ended really late today and I completely forgot." Peter explained and Tony raised an eyebrow on his end.

"Is your aunt home?" Tony questioned and Peter frowned.

"No, she's working a late shift again." 

"I'll be there in 10 minutes, get a bag packed and let her know you'll be coming over," Tony said before hanging up and Peter's eyes widened. He swung home quickly and landed in his room 5 minutes later. He threw his suit off and hurried to get his bag packed, hiding his suit just in case. He hurried to the kitchen and grabbed a paper, deciding to leave a note for his aunt. He wrote that he was sleeping over Ned's and just as he finished, there was a knock on the door. He grabbed his bag quickly and ran to the door, throwing it open. When the door opened, Peter's face fell and he was confused. 


"Hey Peter, so what you doin tonight?" Timothy said with a smirk and a knowing and evil look in his eyes.

"Just heading to Mr. Stark's," Peter replied in confusion and Timothy smiled.

"Good, good. I actually wanted to talk to you about that.. Spiderman."

◇◇◇◇ Time Skip Brought To You By Tony Picking Up Peter ◇◇◇◇◇◇

"Sorry I was late to get ya, kid. I had to go over Timmy's paper real quick." Tony apologized as Peter got in the car and Peter gave a fake smile.

"It's fine Mr. Stark. I wasn't really ready myself." Peter shrugged it off and Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Rightttt. Well, what do you want to do when we get to the tower?" Tony questioned, changing the subject and putting it in the back of his head for later. 

"Um, I don't know Mr. Stark. Whatever you wanna do." 

"I told you to call me Tony, kid. How about you show me what you're currently working on in the interns' lab?" Tony questioned and Peter internally panicked. What do I do? 

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