I'd Hate To Be The Bully..

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"You're not going to school today. That's final." Tony spoke with finality, as he had his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. May agreed that Peter could spend the night a day early, since today is Friday.

"But Dad! I have a trip today. Besides, my injuries are gone." Peter tried to argue, but Natasha was walking by and sent a glare to him.

"Вы остаетесь дома, паук."(you stay home, spider.) Peter threw his head back and groaned. He sat down on his bed and Tony nodded, walking away. Peter lay on his bed for a little while, before getting up and changing into a black tank and grey sweatpants.

"If I can't go to school, I'll just work out." He muttered to himself as he walked to the gym, phone in hand and earbuds in.

These earbuds were made specifically for Peter by Tony to drown outside noise and when all the way up, it blocked out the sound of any loud noises. Peter finally made it to the gym and put his phone down, happy his earbuds were wireless. 'Killer In The Mirror' by the band Set It Off began to play as Peter hit the dummy and began to land all types of hits on the plastic.

$$$$$$$$ Meanwhile With Tony $$$$$$$$$

"Are these the kids from Midtown Science & Tech?" Tony asked as he walked up to the receptionist and saw a group of teens with maybe a chaperone or two with a couple teachers. Now, usually Tony wouldn't do the tours; I mean he's Tony freaking Stark, but Tony has a very special tour to show these kids today.

"Yes sir, but I thought miss Maria was doing this tour?" The old receptionist asked and Tony flashed a smile.

"I decided to take over for today." He grabbed the badges and walked over, catching a few people's eyes and causing them to gasp. Everyone quieted as Tony Stark made an appearance and just ended up staring, besides MJ of course.

"Holy crap, that's Tony Stark!" A kid exclaimed and Tony held in a cringe as he struggled to smile at the children.

"Hey kiddos *cringe* welcome to Stark industries. As you know, I'm Tony Stark. If you have any questions before the tour, raise your hand and wait to be called on." As soon as Tony finished talking, every hand went up. He went around calling on a few, before getting to a Jerkish kinda guy.

"Uh, you. Snotty kid." Flash frowned, but quickly smirked.

"Do you have high schoolers as interns?" He questioned and Tony raised an eyebrow.
"Not in particular. No one with lower than a highschool degree works here." Flash grinned and nodded, causing Tony to roll his eyes. He led the tour throughout the 'boring' parts of the tower, before smirking as they neared the training room. The kids could hear grunting and was excited; thinking it was maybe one of the Avengers.

The door opened and everyone was in shock. Not only one, but all the Avengers were there; except that wasn't what surprised the students. Being watched by the Avengers, who didn't even move a muscle hearing people enter the room, was one 'Puny Parker' destroying the punching bag in front of him.

"Is that Peter Parker?" One of the girls gasped and drew the attention of the ex rogue Avengers. Natasha stood and smirked slyly.
"So, these are his classmates?" She looked over all of them, her eyes lingering on Flash a little while and Flash smirked, causing Nat to scoff silently.

"I'd hate to be one of the ass-"

"Language, Bucky. There's teens here." Cap cut him off, but Bucky just grumbled as Sam smirked.

"Hate to be the idiot who bullies the kid." Clint smirked and Flash scoffed.

"Oh please, like Puny-" he would've been cut off by the Avengers glaring, but was instead cut off when Peter hit the punching bag so hard, it flew off the chains. Sweat poured from all over Peter's face as he walked to grab the bag and everyone just stared in amazement. Peter picked up the bag and continued to either ignore or not even notice the amazed kids. Flash's mouth hung open and he was silent for the rest of the tour; almost everyone was silent.

When Monday came around, Peter walked into school wearing a Panic! At The Disco tee and black skinny jeans along with a pair of black converses(I like both Vans and converses. Fight me). He walked into the school and noticed everyone pointing and heard the whispers. He was confused and was happy to spot Ned, Shuri, and MJ who were all smirking.

"What's up?" Peter asked as he hugged and kissed MJ as per usual.

"Oh nothing much, just talking to the toughest guy in school." Shuri responded nonchalantly and Peter tilted his head in confusion.

"What do you-" he was cut off by none other than Flash Thompson.

"Watch where- o-oh sorry Parker. Didn't see you there." Flash stuttered and walked away as quickly as possible.

"Uh, what just happened?" Peter asked and the other three chuckled.

"The field trip to Stark Industries Friday."

"I still don't understand everyone's fascination with Stark's tech. Mine is better in Wakanda." Shuri muttered crossing her arms.

"You-you went to Stark Industries Friday?!" Peter squeaked and they nodded, MJ smiling coyly.

"Who knew you had so many muscles?" MJ asked, referring to his shirtless sweaty figure from Friday and Peter groaned.

"This was why they had me stay home. It was all a ploy." Peter muttered to himself, but was happy overall. No more bullying from Flash.

                    Word Count: 945

I swear, this sounded better in my head, but I'm also high so, idk. Hope y'all liked it. This was a continuation of 'The real Peter...'. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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