Please Explain..

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"Mr. Witz, please you have to let me go!" I pleaded with the main teacher for the trip as they loaded the buses. I showed up early to hopefully change his mind and maybe talk them into letting me go.

"I'm sorry Mr. Parker, but I can't allow you to come on this trip. You have too many tardy's and absences. It is against the rules to allow a student to go on a trip with the amount of absences you have." I could see the smirk he was trying to conceal and sighed. I knew he wouldn't let me, but I really hoped to go. It was a surprise trip and no one knew where it was to. I was waved off and started to slowly walk back to Happy's car.

"Haha, guess Penis can't come on the trip!" Flash laughed pointing at me and everyone joined in as they leaned out of the bus windows. I looked at Ned and he mouthed a 'sorry'. I nodded and finally arrived to the car.

"Hey Happy, can you just take me home, please?" I muttered and stared out the window, not even waiting for a response. The visor went up and I continued to stare at the passing buildings and trees, putting my earbuds in. As soon as we arrived to the tower, I walked to my room and shut the door.

"Hey kid, you okay?" My dad asked as he knocked on the door and opened it a bit. I didn't even look up and heard him walk further into my room. "Come on, kiddo. Tell your old man what's wrong." He joked and I sighed, sitting up.

"I couldn't go on a field trip at school and I really wanted to go." I answered and it was his turn to sigh.

"Don't let that upset you, Pete. Now you have the whole day to spend around the tower. That's better than any field trip." I smiled and nodded, hugging him as he was standing right next to me.

"You're right. Thanks dad." I stood up and walked out of my room, my dad following me. I went to the elevator and decided to go down to the intern lab. A lot of the interns are really chill and I've become good friends with a few of them.

"Aye Peter!" Zach shouted as I walked in and walked up to me. We did our hand shake and I chuckled. Zach has been an intern here for about a year and he is the intern I'm closest to. He's about 19 and he's actually dating another intern who I'm also close to. He has short spiky black hair and really cool blue eyes. His girlfriend Emma has dyed purple hair and she has these pretty awesome grey/blue eyes. They are my favorite people in this intern lab because they don't always ask me to look at their projects and they help me pull pranks on everyone, especially my dad.

"Sup Zach, where's Emma today?" I questioned as I realized his girlfriend isn't anywhere to be seen.

"Oh, she's leading a tour group to-"

"Peter! I need you to lead the tour group coming today! It's a group of high schoolers and I was supposed to lead them, but I have to finish my project before the deadline later today." Emma shouted as she ran to me and I smiled.

"Sure Emma, that's fine. When will they be here?" I asked and she grinned.

"Thanks Pete. They should be here in half an hour. You're seriously a life saver." She expressed, relieved and I nodded. I spent a few more minutes with Zach before departing and going to the reception desk.

"Hey Maria. Is the tour group here yet?" I asked the lovely receptionist who I'm oddly enough friends with. Maria was a short, petite lady with graying brown hair and caring hazel eyes.

"Not yet Peter. They should be showing up in a few minutes though. I'll be right back with the group's badges, wait right here sweetie." She gave me a genuine smile and walked to the back. Once she returned, I was handed a box of badges and a muffin. "I made these this morning. They're chocolate chip and I saved one especially for you considering they're you're favorite kind." I smiled and leaned over the desk slightly to give her a hug.

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