Plan, Backfired..

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"And you're sure this'll make him a baby?" Tony eyed the trickster god suspiciously and the god smiled.

"Of course." He nodded then turned slightly curious, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Though, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you using it for?" Loki questioned and Tony turned, nearing the door.

"You'll see soon enough." Tony smirked and left the room with the vile. Tony and Loki still weren't close, but because of Peter, they tolerated each other. They both came to the realization that the other wanted to protect the brown haired angel and had mutual respect for that, making it possible for them to be somewhat friendly.

Tony grinned as the elevator doors opened and walked to the kitchen. He pulled out the last of the strawberry smoothie he thought to be Clint's and poured the contents of the vile into the cup, before putting it back in the fridge and shutting the door. He walked to his lab and awaited the inevitable. Few hours later and Tony heard yelling from the kitchen over the music. It sounded like Clint and he grinned, jumping up. He rushed upstairs and ran to the kitchen, excited to see a baby Clint. Except, when he entered, he saw Clint standing over a smoothie covered curly brown haired boy and gasped.

"Peter! How did this happen?!" Tony exclaimed and Clint shrugged.

"I don't know. He came home from school and grabbed his smoothie from the frid-"

"Wait! That wasn't your smoothie?!" Tony rushed and Clint shook his head, before finally understanding what happened and burst out laughing.

"Oh, this is comical. You tried to trick me, but got your son instead? Classic!" Clint laughed and Tony glared, holding his now naked son. Peter was laughing and pulling on Tony's hair, causing Tony to wince slightly. He glanced at the baby boy in his arms and smiled softly. He missed his baby boy like this; an actual baby. Since Peter was 16, he was growing older and getting in more danger now that he was Spider-man. Tony was always terrified when Peter went on patrol, but understood his want to protect people; after all, he was close to Ben as well.

"Get him clean, while I talk to Loki and figure out how to fix this." Tony held Peter out to Clint and he smiled. He loved kids, especially his and Peter. Peter was even more adorable as a baby and he couldn't help, but to coo at the boy in his hands. Tony quickly went down to his lab and called Loki, telling him to get to his lab immediately and that it was about Peter. Loki was there within seconds and had a serious look on his face.

"What happened to Peter?" Loki asked and as Tony opened his mouth to explain, F.R.I.D.A.Y interrupted.

"Boss, Mr. Barton appears to have lost your son." Tony's eyes widened and ran to the bathroom, Loki hot on his heels.

"Clint, where's my son?" Tony asked a frantic Clint.

"I don't know Tony! I swear, I put him down here- There he is!" Clint pointed to the ceiling and Tony turned with wide eyes. Peter was crawling on ceiling, giggling and smiling. Tony ran to catch him as he began to fall and made it just in time. Peter giggled more and clapped his hands. So, the spider powers are still with him, even as a two year old?

"Why is Peter a baby, and not Clint?" Loki questioned, looking at the mop of curly brown hair confused.

"Well... unfortunate mishap and misunderstanding." Tony scratched the back of his neck and chuckled awkwardly, before turning serious once more. "When does this stuff wear off?"

"In about maybe 2 months." Loki shrugged and grabbed the 2 year old from the shocked billionaire.

"2 MONTHS?!!" Tony exclaimed and Loki just ignored him, walking to the couch with Peter. He used his magic to dress Peter and placed him down. "What do you mean 2 months?"

"You told me you wanted Barton to be a baby for a while." Loki shrugged once more, before getting agitated. "Look, it can't be too hard watching a 2 year- Where did he go?" Loki panicked and searched around him. They searched the entire tower, before finding the 2 year old holding a pigeon on the roof. The pigeon seemed to like Peter and Peter was being very gentle with it for a two year old. Loki made his way to them, hoping he wouldn't scare Peter and carefully grabbed him. They went back into the tower and the three guys sighed.

This is going to be a long and hard two months...

                                                               Word Count: 786

Comment and vote for much. Should I do more of Peter being 2 years old for the two months? Like where Pepper finds out and her reaction? Or the rest of the team's reactions?  Let me know.

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