Ch. 128

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"Are you ok?" Fangs asked Lacey as they walked down the hallway of Riverdale high, not knowing where the gang is and they don't really care at the moment. "Yeah, I'm good Fangsy why wouldn't I be?" Lacey asked. "Because you've been quite all day today." "I'm good Fangs I promise." "Ok, c'mon let's go." Fangs says as they walked to the front door of the school leaving the gang there and they go back to Fangs's trailer. "So, what should we watch today?" Fangs asked as they sit on the couch with popcorn. "I don't care, watch whatever you want to, I'm gonna go take a nap." Lacey says getting up off the couch and goes to the guest room laying on the bed after she closed the door behind her.

Fangs got confused and got up opening the door letting the Serpents in besides Lilah Kevin Reggie and Josie. "Hey guys." Fangs says sitting back down on the couch. "Hey." The gang said before Jughead asked, "Where's Lacey?" "She went to go take a nap." Fangs answers turning Psych back on eating a handful of popcorn. Jughead & Lilah look at each other before they get up and Jughead stops her saying, "I'll go see if she's ok, I have to ask her something anyway." "Ok." Lilah muttered sitting beside Sweet Pea again.

Jughead walked to the guest room and opened the door seeing Lacey laying on the bed with her phone, Jughead lays beside her wrapping his arms around her waist tightly and he whispered, "Just like old times right?" He asked laughing a little bit. Lacey looks at him and said, "Yeah." Jughead furrowed his brow noticing something's wrong before he cuddles her tightly against him and he kisses her cheek. Lacey sighs quietly and keeps looking at Pinterest before Jughead pulls her closer as he can get her and says, "Did Donna & Brett ever text you back?" "No, at least not yet anyway."

"Well, when they do let me know." Jughead said nuzzling his face into her neck making her laugh a little. "Ok." Lacey mumbled and Jughead knows something's up now and he asked, "Are you ok bestie?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "No, your not, I'm your best friend Lace. I know when something's wrong with you and Lilah and something's up, tell me." Lacey starts to cry and says. "I miss FP." Jughead says nothing and just lets her cry into his chest as he played with her hair, smiling knowing that Lacey and FP are perfect for each other.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now