Ch 177

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"We'll tell you later." Kevin said not looking at him before the gang leave FP's house except for Lacey Lilah Sweet Pea Fangs Toni Veronica & Jughead. "So, tell me what's up?" Jughead asked for the 3rd time. "We can't... at least not yet." Fangs said quietly before Lacey wiped her eyes and got out of Jughead's lap making him pull her back into his lap cuddling her into his chest and whisper hissed. "Stop it." Lacey sat there trying not to cry, he lays his head on her shoulder, Sweet Pea & Fangs asked Jughead, "So, how did you escape from Cheryl?"

Jughead chuckles and says, "She was asleep when I left to come hangout with you guys so she'll be asleep for a few hours or at least she should be until I get back home with Veronica & Toni." "Ok, so when is Cheryl going to have the baby?" Sweet Pea asked as Jughead smiles to himself before he said, "We go to the doctor tomorrow, we find out the gender then, and then when the baby makes Cheryl go into labor, we'll decide on names from the list you guys wrote down." Jughead says as he felt Lacey tense up before he started rubbing her back gently and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly whispering, "It's ok, it's ok."

The gang except for Lacey Sweet Pea Fangs Jughead Veronica & Toni went to Carl's house, knocked on the door with it opening a few seconds later with Charles standing there looking at them. "Hey, what's up?" He asked while FP rolls his eyes and says, "Can we come in?" Charles looked back in the house seeing Chic and Carl standing there shaking their head no, before Charles said looking back at the gang, "Now's not a really good time, I'll come over later and hangout."

Betty Archie Reggie Kevin Josie Joaquin and FP look at each other before they roll their eyes and Betty says."Get out of the way, let's go gang." She pushed Charles out of the way as her jaw dropped seeing Penny, Tall boy, Gladys, the Ghoulies, Donna, Brett, & Nick St Clair sitting in the living room on the couch, loveseat and chairs. "Oh my God." The gang said as FP smirks with his arms crossed over his chest. "So this is why I keep hearing weird noises from this house... all you guys are back in Riverdale, gang we should probably tell Jughead that his girls are in danger again, because Nick St Clair is still here." "We're on it." Josie & Kevin said as they walked out of the house going back to FP's house to tell the gang what they just found out.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now