Ch. 83

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"Talk about what, your way Juggie?" Lacey asked as Jughead kept smirking before he walks behind their chairs and says, "You'll find out soon enough." Jughead whispers in her ear before he gets back on the desk and says. "Now let's talk about how you 2 are connected to Brett & Donna, were you 2 helping them when they tried to kill me at Stonewall Prep and they tried to blame it all on Betty Veronica & Archie?" "Fine we'll tell you about how we're connected to Brett and Donna, but no we DID NOT HELP THEM when they tried to kill you. C'mon Juggie you know us, well at least you should." Lilah says as Lacey sat there trying not to cry.

"Y'know what, your right Lilah I should, and Lacey wipe the tears I'm not falling for it anymore, if you don't quit crying I'm going to give you something to cry about." Lacey wiped her tears, Jughead patted her head saying. "Good girl." "What do you want Jones?" Lilah asked. "I need help with something, I keep getting anonymous texts from this number that says that Betty & Archie are cheating on me and Veronica... so will you 2 help me out with trying to figure it out if it's true or not? Because while you do that we can talk about why & how you 2 are connected to Brett & Donna and some other stuff that you don't want to tell anybody else." "Ok, we will." Lacey said as Lilah asked. "How are we going to do this, when the gang & Falice follow us everywhere?" "Don't worry about that, I've got that under control, now we start tomorrow at school." Jughead says as Lacey & Lilah get up and walk to the door. "Ok." Lacey opened the door and walked downstairs to the Whyte Wyrm where the gang was.

The next day at school Lacey & Lilah were in the lounge, talking to Cheryl, Reggie, and Kevin when Jughead walked in and said. "Hey guys, can I borrow Lacey & Lilah for a few minutes?" Cheryl said. "Yeah sure, I have to go find Toni anyway." She gets up and walks out of the room, Kevin & Reggie stare at them before they look at each other and say. "Bye guys, we'll see you later." Then they walk out the door too seeing Jughead sit in between them on the couch and said. "Ok, so I've been watching Barchie all day, they've both been acting weird like they're hiding something so maybe we should start there." Jughead whispers to them as the gang besides Blaise Draco & Theo walk into the student lounge.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now