Ch. 28

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Voldemort hands Penny Lilah's phone so she could read the text, Penny said. "It has to be Gladys!! That's the only one who me & the Ghoulies can think of that would want to hurt Lacey." "It's true." Malachi said as Penny showed him the text. "Ok, so do I show the Serpents this or not? And how did Gladys get Lacey's number?" Lilah asked.

"You can, or you can wait & get more evidence to see if it really is Gladys, or you can take this to the police, but if you do that and you tell them stuff besides this & we find out, WE'RE coming after the Southside Serpents you & Lacey!!! & we don't know maybe somebody in your friend group is talking to Gladys and they/he/she gave them Lacey's phone number." Voldemort snarls. "I don't think so." Blaise jumped in. "Because if you do, I won't hesitate to kill you myself." "Blaise you don't have to--" Lilah starts but Blaise cut her off and says. "Yeah I do, because I liked hanging out with Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin tonight, they're cool and I even think that we could be friends."

Lilah smiles and says, "I'm glad to hear that & Lacey would too, anyway is she here? Or did you leave her at Sweet Pea's trailer?" "She was still asleep when I left." Blaise said as he & Lilah have a casual conversation while Penny the Ghoulies & Voldemort besides Voldemort's minions stand there in disbelief. "So what are you going to do?" Blaise asked as Lilah's phone dings, reading the text from Sweet Pea texting him back. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

"I don't know but I gotta go, I can't deal with you guys right now

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"I don't know but I gotta go, I can't deal with you guys right now." Lilah says walking out going back to Falice's house. When she gets there, she opened the door and sat on Sweet Pea's lap surprising all of them before Sweet Pea wrapped his arms around her waist tightly and whispers. "Are you ok?" Lilah smirks and nods. "Ok, so Lilah before you left we were talking about what's been happening for the past few days, and you were going to tell us especially the serpents something, but before you could tell us your phone went off and you left." FP says looking at her. "Yeah about that... I uh have something to show you 1st." Lilah says getting her phone back out of her pocket. "What is it?" Jughead asks. "It's... Um... This!" Lacey says letting the gang read the text from anonymous. ⬇️⬇️

FP bites his lip from going off, Jughead takes a deep breath while Betty Alice Choni Varchie Kevin Reggie Fangs Joaquin & Sweet Pea sit there sit there uncomfortable

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FP bites his lip from going off, Jughead takes a deep breath while Betty Alice Choni Varchie Kevin Reggie Fangs Joaquin & Sweet Pea sit there sit there uncomfortable. "I know that me and Lacey broke up &/ or is taking a break, but if something like this happens again come and tell me ok." FP says looking at Lilah who nods and smiles sadly, looking at Sweet Pea who hugs her tightly. "So... Should I let Charles know about this text? I'm only asking because I showed you." "Yeah, and I'm going with you because I need to talk to him about something else." Jughead says getting up before he continues, "Betty you & Sweet Pea can come with us."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now