Ch. 164

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"What kind of drama?" Lilah asked her before Betty sighs and says, "There's alot of stuff that's been happening ever since Bughead & Varchie broke up." "Like what?" Reggie asked as he Kevin Lacey Fangs Joaquin & Sweet Pea look at her. "Like... me & Polly have been lied to our whole life." "What do you mean?" Lacey asked as Betty told them what happened for the past few weeks.

"So, Alice isn't your real mom?" Lilah asked as Betty nods mumbling, "Penny's my real mom, and since they're sisters... Alice took me and Polly away from Penny when we were little because Penny couldn't take care of us." "That's mind-blowing." Kevin said as Reggie Fangs Joaquin Sweet Pea Lilah and Lacey agree with him. "Yeah, I know." Betty looks up and sees Jughead and his girls walking into the Whyte Wyrm with FP Draco Theo and Blaise. "Ok, well me and Archie are leaving now, so bye guys we'll see you later. & Lace?" "Yeah?" She asked. "I'll text you later tonight." Betty replied as Lacey mumbled, "Ok." Then Barchie got up and left just before Jughead and his girls besides etc got to their table.

"Hey gang." Jughead says as he Cheryl Veronica and Toni sat beside their booth in the back with FP Draco Theo and Blaise. "Hi." The gang said as Lacey got up and sat on FP's lap making him smirk and wrap his arms around her waist tightly before he whispered something in her ear making her blush. "So, guys... Betty & Archie were here a few minutes ago and they well Betty told us something interesting." Kevin said. "Do we really have to tell them that Kev?" Joaquin asked. "Because they don't care!!!" Sweet Pea & Fangs added as Lacey & Lilah look at Reggie who shrugs and says, "We can tell them what Barchie told us, whether they care or not." "We're listening." Jughead says looking at his girls, FP, Draco Theo and Blaise.

And so Lacey Lilah Kevin Reggie Joaquin Fangs and Sweet Pea told them what Archie and Betty told them. "Wow." Jughead says as Veronica's eyes widen. "That's very interesting." Cheryl says looking at Toni and Veronica who hides her smirk from the gang especially from Jughead. "Wait, Alice isn't Betty and Polly's real mom??" FP asked. "Nope, Penny is. Also this is going to blow your mind like it did us, but Penny & Alice are also sisters." Lilah added. "OMG 😳." Jughead and FP said together making eye contact. "That explains so much." Choni said looking at Veronica who was still smirking.

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