Ch. 147

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"Cheryl has something to tell you 2." Jughead says as he & his girls arrived at FP's house the next day. "Ok what?" Sweet Pea asked as he Lilah Lacey and FP look at each other before they look at Jughead and his girls. "Let's go to the kitchen, Toni, Veronica you 2 stay in here with FP and Sweet Pea. Ok?" "Ok." In the kitchen, they all leaned against the wall and Jughead spanked Cheryl again and whisper hissed, "Apologize now or else your ass is going to get a different shade of red." Cheryl whimpered and says, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for sending Lacey that text saying how Jughead doesn't love you anymore and that he doesn't want to be friends with you guys anymore either... That was a lie, and I'm sorry."

Lacey and Lilah look at each other before they look at Chughead and Lilah says, "Ok, we accept your apology." "But we don't trust you anymore." Lacey added walking back into the living room hiding her face in FP's lap. "Lacey's right, we don't trust you anymore psycho." The next thing Lilah knows is she's being bent over the table with her pants down and Jughead's spanking her hard with a spoon. "You, can't do this?!" Lilah yells whimpering as Jughead smirked and says, "Oh, I can't? Well I am, from now on since you & the rest of the gang wanna be little brats, I'm going to do to you, what I do to Choni and Veronica." Jughead says putting the spoon down.

"You're not going to shag us are you?" "No, nothing like that, but I will spank you if I want to or if I feel like you need one." Jughead laughs pulling Lilah's pants back up and smacked her ass again before he lets her go again and then she walked away but not before hearing him say, "Tell Lacey to come back in here now." Jughead growls lowly as Cheryl gets on her knees and starts giving him a blowjob, Lilah's eyes widen and then a few seconds later, Lacey walked back in and Jughead says, "Bend over that table now."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now