Ch 194

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"I'm listening." Lacey said as Gladys told her everything about the plan & Carl aka Klaus's plan. Gladys told Lacey everything about where they wanted revenge for the Golden trio besides Lilah killing Voldemort and making the rest of the deatheaters go back to the wizarding world and then she told Lacey about Klaus aka Carl and his revenge on Damon Stefan Elena Bonnie & Caroline. "So basically, like I said & Cheryl bombshell confirmed it. It's mine and Lilah's fault again!!!!" Lacey said getting up walking & pacing back and forth.

Whyte Wyrm, The Serpents and the rest of the gang besides FP went to the Wyrm seeing Lacey and Lilah's new friends sitting at the bar stool with Hog-eye. "Do you guys know where Lacey and Lilah are? Because we got into a fight, they took off and we don't know where they went." Jughead said sitting beside Stefan. "We're sorry, but we don't know who you are." Damon says smirking through his cup of bourbon. FP sighs and said, "It's FP and his kid besides his kid's friends and the Southside Serpents." "Oh, hey FP how's it going?" Stefan asked as Bonnie Caroline & Elena try not to die of laughter with Damon still smirking through his glass. "Not good guys, have you seen Lacey & Lilah anywhere?"

"No, not since earlier when they came to see Draco Theo & Blaise." Caroline said before Damon and Stefan look at each other before Damon puts his cup down and said. "We gotta go now, but if we see Lacey & Lilah, we'll text you later." "Ok, good." FP said before sitting at the bar and told Hog-eye to give him something strong to drink, but little did FP and the gang know that Lacey & Lilah got kidnapped by Penny Gladys The Ghoulies Charles Chic & tall boy for revenge of the golden trio besides Lilah killing Voldemort and Carl aka Klaus is getting revenge on Damon Stefan Elena Bonnie & Caroline... because Klaus besides Katherine need the moonstone and they have it!!!!

(A/N Let's see what happens next chapter).

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now