Ch. 42

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Gladys stared at Alice smiling evilly about to say something, but JB slapped her hand over Gladys's mouth while she earned a raised eyebrow from the gang.

Voldemort/Penny's Hiding Spot
"Where are they?!" Voldemort yells as he walked back and forth in the living room. "They'll be back in a few minutes, I promise." Penny tells Voldemort as she, Malachi, some Ghoulies, and some of Voldemort's minions, sit on the couch in the living room, before Voldemort stops pacing back and forth and asked. "Where's Blaise Draco Theo Wormtail & Yaxley?" "I don't know why?" Penny answered. "Because they can do this job if Kurtz Hal Chic & Penelope don't do it right!!! Besides where's Gladys, you said that you could get her on our side too."

Penny pulls out her phone and looked to see if Gladys texted her back and said. "I'm texting her, she's not answered back yet." The door opened with Blaise Draco & Theo running in with Draco saying. "Voldemort!! We can't find Wormtail & Yaxley!!! Blaise thinks that Lacey & Lilah's new friends kidnapped them." Voldemort & Penny look at each other before Penny says, "Me and The Ghoulies are on it, besides we haven't had any real fun with the Serpents in a few months anyway. So what better way than now!!?" Before they walked out of their hiding spot to the Whyte Wyrm trying to open the door seeing it locked.

Back at Falice's House,
Jughead's phone goes off and he looked at it seeing Hog-Eye was calling him and he answered it after a few seconds of talking to Hog-Eye, Jughead ended the call and said. "That was Hog-Eye, he said that Penny's back and she's trying to get into the Whyte Wyrm with some of the Ghoulies." The Serpents & FP sigh getting up with Lacey and Lilah holding onto Sweet Pea and FP. "Hell and torture is here." Lacey says as Lilah bursts out laughing holding Sweet Pea's arm tighter. "Is that the 1st part of their plan?" Charles asked before Jughead says. "They're going to try to get into the Whyte Wyrm 1st and then what?" Lacey & Lilah look at each other and they sigh sadly and Lilah says, "We... Don't... Know... Just... Follow... Our... Lead..." "Ok, let's go see what's going to happen now." "Jughead, you Lacey Lilah & the Serpents go with FP to the Whyte Wyrm, while me Alice Veronica Archie JB & Gladys stay here." Charles says. "Ok, we'll be back later." Jughead says as they walk out the door to the Whyte Wyrm."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now