Ch. 69

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As soon as Theo left the Whyte Wyrm, he went back to the blue house with a black fence and red roses, he walked in the house to see Blaise & Draco sitting on the couch drinking butter-beer and talking, he grabbed a bottle sitting beside them and said opening it. "So something interesting happened today." "What?" Draco asked putting his bottle on the table grabbing another one. "Earlier today, Wormtail & Yaxley came over and said... & I quote, *Hey Theo, we need to talk to you about something.* And I said ok what and then they said ok so we don't know why but Lacey said that she needs to talk to you and I was like ok why? And they said that they didn't know, Lacey just wanted to talk to me so I went with them to see what she wanted and..." "What'd she want?" Blaise asked as he and Draco gave him their full attention.

Theo looks at them and starts laughing before he says, "Lacey said that she wanted to talk to me about something that happened in 3rd year at Hogwarts and it was uh... Very interesting I'll just say that." "What about 3rd year?" Draco asked as he and Blaise look at each with their eyebrows raised before Theo kept laughing and said. "I'm not telling you that, all I can say is that it's very interesting." Theo said laughing grabbing another bottle of butter-beer before getting up, walking away leaving Draco & Blaise sitting there confused before they get up too but before they do, Penny and the Ghoulies walked in slamming the door shut. "What's up with you guys?" Blaise asked.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but we're (points to the Ghoulies) going to feel bad for Lacey." Penny says sitting in her chair. "Um... Why?" Draco asked her as he got another bottle of butter-beer opening it and chugging half of it. "Because tall boy called me a few minutes ago and he said that Voldemort said that he was going to send Megan & Chloe to find FP and drug him just so they can shag him and if FP doesn't do it willingly, then Chloe's going to drug him so he'll have to listen to her and Megan."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now