Ch. 92

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"What's up?" Jughead asked as Lacey sits on FP's lap cuddling into him. "Nm, have you seen Lilah?" "She's over there in the back with Choni Kevin Fangs & Reggie, while Archie Betty Veronica Joaquin & Sweet Pea are over there playing pool and talking to some Serpents." Jughead says before he continues, "and wanna know what's weird?" "What?" Lacey asked. "Lilah Kevin Fangs & Reggie have been hanging out with Choni so much 24/7 that if the whole school found out about it, rumors would be starting." Jughead says looking over at the booth furrowing his brow as he sees Cheryl looking at him, she blushed turning her attention back to Kevin & Fangs. "Ok, I might've just imagined this, but I'm pretty sure that Cheryl just looked at me and started blushing."

That caught FP and Hog-Eye's attention as FP said, "Boy, what?" "Lace, did you hear what I just said?" Jughead asks looking at her but she was gone. "Oh, great she left, where'd she go?" Lacey walked back to Choni's booth and sat next to Toni and whisper hissed. "I think Jughead saw you looking at him, while you were blushing." Lacey whispers, Cheryl bit her lip and says, "Yeah, I saw that, why'd you think I looked away???" "Well, I'm just saying that if you & Toni keep doing that, you're gonna get caught by Juggie himself or by Betty Archie Veronica Sweet Pea & Joaquin."

"Betty, does not need to know anything about this." Toni says wide-eyed while staring at Kevin while saying smirking a little. "Hey Kevin, y'know how your best friends with Betty?" "Yeah?" Kevin says looking at her & Cheryl nervously. "If Betty somehow finds out about me & Cheryl having a crush on Jughead and something bad happens to us, we're coming after you." Toni hissed making Fangs say. "Topaz, chill. no one's going to find out about you & Cheryl having a crush on Jones especially Betty." "Woah, guys back up!! Did you just say that Topaz and the red queen have a crush on Jones?" Sweet Pea and Joaquin asked. "Yeah, we did." Reggie said looking at Sweet Pea before he continues, "If we let you 2 know everything. You CANNOT TELL Jughead, Betty Archie and Veronica or hell is going to break loose, especially if Bughead does find out." Reggie said seriously. "Don't worry Reggie, your secret is safe with us." Sweet Pea said before he walked away dragging Lilah with him. Before they could go back to the pool table, Lacey says, "Hey Lil?" Lacey says looking at the table. "Yeah?" "I gotta talk to you about something, but later and in private because it's about Theo besides etc." Lilah bit her lip and says, "Ok, we'll talk at home tonight." "Ok." Lacey says, as Sweet Pea & Lilah walk away from the booth.

"So, what was that?" Fangs asked as he Kevin Reggie & Choni looked at Lacey who slid halfway down the booth seat and said. "Nothing, it's not important." She mumbled, Jughead walked up to them and sat on Lacey's lap saying. "Hey guys, it's like I haven't seen you in like 3 or 4 days, but I have I just haven't been hanging out with you, so what's up?" Choni avoided eye contact like Kevin, Reggie said, "Nm, what's up with you?" Jughead noticed Kevin & Choni avoiding eye contact with him, he raised his brow before he says. "Y'know I'm good, what about you guys? Anything interesting happening lately?" Fangs & Lacey look at each other before Lacey mouths. "Juggie's going to find out about Choni's crush on him without anybody telling him." "I know." Fangs mouthed back. "No, not really except that today at school, we found out that the core 4 broke up for good." Fangs said as Jughead looked at Lacey tightening her grip on his waist, he held her hands and says. "Yeah I know, but anything else besides that?" "No, not really." Kevin says looking at Choni blushing from the corner of his eye, before he asks, "Cheryl, Toni. Anything new with you guys?" "Nope." Cheryl said picking at her red nails as Toni says. "Nothing interesting has happened to me either." Jughead raised his brow since they still won't look at him.

Jughead smirks and says, "I know you 2 are lying, and I'm going to find out what it is because you 2 are my friends just like etc you're acting weird, so as your friend I'm going to figure it out and when I do--" Jughead got caught off by Reggie saying, "Cheryl & Toni have a crush on you!!!! They've ALWAYS had a crush on you, ever since you and Betty got back together after the 1st Barchie kiss in front of Cheryl's house." "Reggie!!!" Lacey Fangs Kevin and Choni yell. Jughead looks at them shocked before he said, "Is it true?" He looks at Choni  "No, they're lying hobo, I'd never date you." Yeah, Jones you're not my type." "That's a lie." Reggie said, "Jones, you have to believe me, I know I've been mean to you before, but I'm telling you the truth about this. Cheryl Blossom & Toni Topaz have a crush on you and they want you all to themselves. Don't believe me then ask Lacey Lilah Kevin & Fangs." Jughead looked at Fangs Kevin and Lacey, Fangs mumbled. "It's true, Jones."

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