Ch. 2

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After school at Pop's, Lacey was sitting in her usual booth when the door dinged letting people know that somebody walked in, Lacey looked up to see Falice & Bughead sitting beside and in front of her. "Hey Lacey" Alice says squeezing her. "Hey guys." Lacey looks at the door to see if Draco Blaise & Theo are there, she does it for a few more minutes until FP asks. "What & who are you looking for?" "The new kids." Lacey mumbles avoiding eye contact. Falice and Bughead look at each other before Betty says, "I didn't know that you were friends with them now." Lacey looks at her and says. "Don't worry I'm not friends with them, I have 1 class at school and all 3 of them are in there and we're meeting up to work on an assignment." "Oh, ok." Jughead says as he glanced up and continues, "I think that's them over there." Lacey looks up and says. "Yeah, there they are... ok so if I'm not home by 6:00 tonight, they killed me." Falice chuckle and FP says. "Don't worry, we'll probably stay here until you get done."

"Ok but just so... nevermind, Juggie?" "Yeah?" "Come with me, if not I can always text Fangs." Jughead looks at her and says. "I'll go with you." Jughead looks at FP who says. "Ok, we'll be at home or the Whyte Wyrm." "Ok." Betty and Falice get up & leave, Lacey looks at him biting her lip, he grabs her hand and says. "Let's go Lacey."

They walked to the booth where Blaise Theo & Draco were sitting, talking but stopped when Lacey & Jughead sat in front of them. "Hey." Jughead says still holding Lacey's hand but tightening his grip a little because he's getting bad vibes from the new kids. Draco Blaise & Theo look at each other before Blaise says. "Hi?" Lacey tenses up  Jughead's hand tighter making him rub her hand softly calming her down putting his hand off the booth and into her lap. "I'm Jughead Jones." "Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Theo Nott." Draco says pointing to each guy. "Oh, cool so don't you 3, and Lacey have an assignment to do for school?" "Yeah, but you're not in our class, or if you are I don't remember you." Theo said rudely. Jughead and Lacey look at each other, he bites his lip from saying something sarcastically rolling his eyes a little bit.

"I'm not in your guys' class, I'm Lacey's best friend and she invited me to sit with you people, so stop being rude & work on your stupid assignment." Jughead says glaring at him while he glared back at Jughead. Lacey lays her head on Jughead's shoulder calming him down and says. "Ok, let's work on our assignment so we can get it done and over with."

That night at Falice's house, Lacey & Jughead got home and went straight to the kitchen finding Betty, Lilah, and Falice sitting there. "Hey Betty, so I talked to the new kids tonight." Jughead says as Lacey sits on FP's lap wrapping her arms around his waist tightly. Betty, Lilah, and Falice look at him. Betty says. "So could they be our new friends?" "No and I'm going to tell you why too. It's because they were rude and I got bad vibes from them too." Lacey holds back her laughter and starts playing with FP's hand.

Betty bites her lip and says. "Ok." "Oh, there's one more thing, Lace tell them." Falice, Betty, and Lilah look at her and she said. "1 out of 3 of the new kids was being mean so Jughead looked at me and rolled his eyes trying not to say anything sarcastically. "Did it work?" Lilah asked. "Yeah for a little bit." Jughead says before he continues, "We should probably tell Veronica, Archie, Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, Reggie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Joaquin this too." "You guys can tell them tomorrow at school or at the Whyte Wyrm." FP says.

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