Ch. 138

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"Ok... Then we'll see you everyday after school at 3:00." Blaise said before he Draco and Theo left FP's new house, going back to their house. As soon as the door shut behind them, Lilah and Jughead look at Lacey and asked her a bunch of questions like... "Why would you do that?!" "When did you do that?" "What happened or is going to happen to make you do that?" "Lace, I'm your best friend why wouldn't you tell me this?!" Jughead growls lowly looking at her. "It's my choice, I can do whatever the hell I want and it's already done. So shove it!!! Oh and I didn't tell you... Is becuz I knew that you would stop me." Lacey gets up off the couch leaving the living room walking to FP's room slamming the door behind her.

"I don't know what's been going on for the past few weeks, but whatever it is you guys better fix it. Now if you 2 aren't going to spend the night, then get out because I'm going to bed early." FP says drinking his drink before throwing the can away walking to his room, leaving Jughead and Lilah sitting there shocked before Jughead says standing up, "Ok, let's go find the gang including Betty & Archie and tell them what we just found out." "Ok, but first there's something I need to do." Lilah says standing up walking towards him and he looks at her weird before he asked, "What?" "Don't freak out, just trust me." Lilah said before she smashed her lips onto his making him widen his eyes and little did they know that Jughead's girls were standing at the front door and their jaws dropped. "What the hell Lilah?!?" Veronica and Toni exclaimed after Jughead pushed her away from him and Cheryl said nothing, she just smiles thinking of ways to ruin Lilah's life for kissing her Toni and Veronica's boyfriend.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now