Ch. 88

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FP & Lacey's room
Jughead &  Lacey were still on the bed, Lacey sat up and wiped her eyes, Jughead moved a piece of hair from her eyes and said. "Are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine now." Lacey says hugging him tightly biting her lip trying not to cry anymore, Jughead tightens his grip on her and asked. "So you wanna come to the Whyte Wyrm with me Lilah Sweet Pea & Fangs?" "No, I'm gonna stay home today." "Ok, well we're going if you need me, text me ok." "Ok." Jughead got up and left the room, leaving Lacey in the room closing the door behind him.

The next day at school, Lacey & Lilah were in the student lounge, with Kevin Fangs Reggie & Cheryl because Toni and the rest of the gang was doing some stuff so it was just them. They all sat there being quiet until Cheryl said, "Guys, if I tell you something about me & Toni, would you tell the rest of the gang especially Bughead?" "No, we wouldn't why?" Reggie asked. "Lacey, Lilah?" Cheryl asked looking at them. "NO, we won't tell them anything we promise." Lilah says. "Ok, good. so for like the past few days, me & Toni have been watching Bughead & Varchie, it seems like to us, that they've been distant... almost like they're going to break up for good this time." Lacey & Lilah look at each other biting their lip while listening to Cheryl talk.

"So if the Core 4 does break up for good this time... do you think me & Toni have a chance with Jughead? I'm only asking because we've always thought he was cute and when he got pissed off at Sweet Pea and that one time at Tall boy, that was hot." Cheryl said looking at their stunned & shocked faces. "Y-you & T-Toni like Jones more than a friend?" Fangs asked as Kevin Reggie Lilah & Lacey sat there not saying anything.

"Yeah, we always have, and if we did get a chance with Jughead, me & Toni don't mind sharing him with other people." Fangs's jaw dropped as Reggie gets up and walks out of the student lounge with Kevin & Fangs behind him trying not to laugh. "Girls, say something." Cheryl said looking at them. "There's nothing for us to say, we're just shocked and stunned is all... but don't worry, we promise we won't let Kevin Reggie & Fangs tell the gang any of this." Lacey says looking around. "Thank you." Cheryl said as they get up and go to class.

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