Ch. 11

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When Lacey got back to Falice's House, she opened the door running upstairs to FP's room closing the door locking it, sliding down the door bursting into tears again. Falice watched her as Bughead & Lilah walked back in the living room sitting on the couch, FP followed her up the stairs, they heard a bang on the front door and Jughead got up to get it seeing Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin & Toni. "Jones we need to talk it's about Lacey." Fangs said.

Jughead lets them in and they go upstairs to Betty's room seeing FP knocking on his door as they walk in shutting the door locking it. "Lacey open the door." Lacey moved away from the door and said nothing. "Plz." FP tried again. He sighed and knocked down the door seeing Lacey sitting on the floor rocking back & forth keeping her gaze on the floor. FP sits beside her pulling her into his lap wrapping his arms around her waist tightly kissing her gently & softly. "Hey, wanna talk about it?" Lacey shakes her head no, FP sighs holding her tighter against his chest.

Bughead's room
Jughead closes the door behind them as they sit on the bed Jughead says. "Ok, so what's up?" And so Fangs & Joaquin told Jughead everything that they knew while Sweet Pea & Toni sat there listening. "Ok, I think that we should follow her if she goes back to the Southside, so we can see where she's going and who she's meeting without her knowing that we're following her." Jughead says leaning back on the bed as Toni says getting up. "We need to tell FP everything now." "I hate it when you're right, Toni." Sweet Pea said getting up walking to the door with her. "You 3 can stay here until we get FP." Toni said opening the door and going to FP's room seeing the door off the hinges and laying on the floor.

"What happened to the door?" Sweet Pea asked as he & Toni walked in the room seeing FP & Lacey sitting on the bed. "I broke it down." FP said looking at them before he continues, "What are you guys doing here?" "We came to talk to you & Jughead about something." "Talk about what?" FP asked looking at Lacey rubbing her back gently who is now laying on the bed clutching the pillow tightly as she cried herself to sleep.

"Is Lacey asleep?" Toni asked. "Yeah." FP says getting up & walking with them back to Bughead's room, when they got in there FP sat beside Jughead and says, "What's up?" "We have some stuff to tell you about Lacey that we've been keeping a secret because she (Lacey) told us too and we did, but now it's gotten worse & we have to tell you now." Sweet Pea says as he and Toni sit beside Joaquin and Fangs.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now