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After a few minutes, Lacey got up and wiped her eyes as FP still had his arms around her waist tightly before he whispered in her ear. "We'll finish this conversation later."

That night after the gang left including parentdale, Betty Archie Reggie Kevin Lilah Sweet Pea & Fangs are spending the night with Lacey & FP because FP said that they could. "So, I get why Lilah wants to spend the night with us, but why do the rest of you?" FP asked as they sat on the couch eating food from Pop's and watching TV.

The gang look at each other before Betty says, "The other day, we saw Charles talking to the guy who lives next door to you & we also think that Charles is somehow involved." FP looked at them for a few seconds before he said. "Are you sure?" "Positive, and we've also been recording their conversations without them seeing us." Betty continued. "Let me listen to what you've already recorded so far." FP said as Kevin pulled out Betty's phone pushing the record button and pressing play on the first recording handing it to FP who puts it to his ear.

Thistle house
When Jughead Veronica & Choni walked in the door, Jughead says. "Girls, I'm going to go take a bath, Cheryl you're coming with me because we need to talk about something, Toni & Veronica go lay down on the bed and go to sleep or watch TV or whatever I don't care. But don't wait up for me & Cheryl because we're going to be in the bath for a few hours." "Ok." Toni & Veronica said as they went to their room. Jughead looks at Cheryl and says softly, "C'mon." Cheryl bites her lip and follows him to the bathroom where Jughead shuts the door behind them and locks it. "Strip & don't make me tell you again." Jughead says as he turned the water on and put something in the drain so the water will stay in the tub. Cheryl does what he said and gets in with Jughead behind her after she did what he told Cheryl.

Cheryl lays her head on his chest, Jughead wrapped his arms around her stomach gently before he said. "We need to talk about some stuff." Jughead says playing with her hair as Cheryl said, "Ok, talk about what?" "Some things that I've been hearing and seeing at school, the Whyte Wyrm, and FP's house." Cheryl bites her lip again trying not to cry because she knows she's in for it.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now