Ch. 68

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Theo & Lacey look at each other before Theo said. "Sit down shut up and listen, this has stuff to do about what actually happened in 3rd year at Hogwarts in Slytherin from Lacey's POV and to see if I remember anything else besides what Lacey's gonna tell us." Theo replied. Lilah sits beside Lacey and says. "Ok." Lacey takes a deep breath before she looks at Theo and she said. "Ok 1st year at Hogwarts was the beginning of our friendship, besides Blaise Draco Crabbe Goyle & Flint, 2nd year was when I met Voldemort and death eaters and when our friendship with Wormtail & Yaxley started and... That was ALSO the year we started dating." Lacey says getting nervous so she starts rocking back and forth again.

Theo looks at her & Lilah before he smirked and said. "Yeah I remember all of that, and I'm really sorry that I cheated on you with Daphne." "Y'know I can't remember that, but I remember our friendships though." Lilah says looking between them raising an eyebrow before she continues, "Theo you idiot! You dated & cheated on my best friend!?!?" "Yeah he did, but it's ok because that's all in the past now, but do you remember Daphne & Astoria Greengrass? besides Pansy Parkinson?"

Lacey asked her as the door started to jiggle, Lilah got up to unlock it again before she opened it seeing Jughead and the Serpents standing there and Sweet Pea says, "We're all going back to the Whyte Wyrm, if you need us so we're just telling you." "Ok, uh guys?" Lacey said standing up. "Yeah?" "Let's go with them to the Whyte Wyrm & we can keep talking there." She looks at Theo who stands up and says. "Ok, let's go." Lacey Lilah & Theo followed the Serpents Falice Wormtail & Yaxley to the Whyte Wyrm when they got there, Lacey Lilah & Theo went to the back of the room and sat there talking about the past again while FP secretly watched them before he sees Jughead & Fangs sitting beside them glancing at Lacey every so often without her noticing.

"So you guys asked me if I remember Pansy Daphne & Astoria?" Lilah asked as she felt Sweet Pea's eyes on them besides FP's. "Yeah so do you remember them?" Theo asked as he looked around and noticed the Serpents especially FP & Sweet Pea glaring at him, he avoided eye contact with them before Lilah said. "Yeah I do, because they were the queen B's at Hogwarts in Slytherin who could forget like for real, anyway what about them?" "Ok guys I just have one question before I get on with the next part, when did Megan & Chloe come to Hogwarts and before they met Blaise & Draco?"

"At the end of 2nd year and into the beginning of 3rd year." Theo said looking at Lacey before he said. "I'm really sorry about what happened at the end of 2nd year at Hogwarts, and it just made it worse when 3rd year started because that's when Megan & Chloe made their move on Malfoy and Zabini and we-- I mean you Crabbe Goyle & Flint barely saw them." "Ok, so that part is both clear because that's how it happened." Lacey says looking around and sees FP glancing at their table for a second before he turned back around, she smiles a little and said. "What were we talking about again?" "We were talking about how Megan & Chloe made their move on Malfoy & Zabini." Lilah says looking at Sweet Pea smirking making him smirk back.

"Ok, yeah... So after Megan & Chloe made a move on them, me Crabbe Goyle & Flint were like ok cool so Blaise & Draco have girlfriends now but it didn't stay that way after a couple of weeks and months." Lacey says as she sees FP and Sweet Pea walking towards them. "What are you guys doing over here?" Lilah asked Sweet Pea sassily before she leaned against him and he wraps his arms around her waist tightly. "We're just... chiling and you must be Theo." FP says as he and Sweet Pea look him up and down before Lacey intertwines their hands together making FP look at her and smile before she leans in and whispers. "Chill, he's just an old friend that me and Lilah are talking too, he's not going to hurt us I promise so chill." FP wraps his arms around her waist tightly kissing her neck gently before he mumbles, "Yeah I know that, but me & Sweet Pea are staying here though."

"That's fine." Lacey mumbled back before Lilah said, "So what happened after Megan & Chloe took Draco & Blaise away from our friend group because I can't remember!!!" "So after Blaise & Draco started dating Megan & Chloe, they (Blaise & Draco) started ditching us, we got so tired of it that I finally quit and I left & I went back to the lion's den." Lacey says as Theo & Lilah said. "Gryffindor." "Yeah, I went back to Gryffindor with my other friends in 3rd year and I liked it!!!" Lacey says as Lilah & Theo look at each other and smirk before Theo said. "Ok, yeah I remember that now and just because what happened in 2nd year... Doesn't mean that me and you weren't friends in 3rd year Lacey... If you needed me or something like that I would've been there, and I still would do anything for you."

Theo grabs her hand on top of the table as FP & Sweet Pea look at each other, FP raised his brows before Lilah says.  "Yeah, we get that Theo, now is there anything else that you guys want to talk about, BECAUSE if not... We're (points to her & Lacey) gonna go with them (points to Sweet Pea & FP) back over there." (Points to the Serpents and the rest of the gang that's at their usual table talking to Hog-Eye). "No I think we're done guys, anyway if you need anything else or want to talk about anything else you can call or text me or have Wormtail & Yaxley come find me and I'll be back, but anyway I gotta go now so bye." Theo says standing up walking to the door but stops when he looks at Lacey and winks before he got a card out and slides it to the table where Lilah caught it and he said. "Text me whenever you want, I have to meet Blaise now." As soon as he left, Lacey and Lilah look at each other before Lacey gulps before she looks at FP who was about to say something but stops and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him passionately making him smirk into the kiss deepening it.

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