Ch. 48

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Sweet Pea lets the Serpents in & they walked into the trailer, FP walked towards Lacey wrapping his arms around her waist tightly laying his chin on her neck. Lacey looks at Fangs who mouths, "I'm going in there." Pointing to the living room where Choni, Bughead, Sweet Pea, Joaquin, & Lilah were sitting. Lacey hugged FP tightly trying not to cry, she buries her face into his chest still holding him tightly. "You ok?" FP asked her she nods and says, "Yeah, I'm just tired."

"C'mere let's go lay down." FP says as he picks up Lacey bridal style and he goes to the bedroom with Sweet Pea saying, "You better not go to my room!!!" "We're not!! We're in the guest room." FP yells back. After FP closed the door, he lays down beside me and says, "You sure you're ok baby?" "Yeah, I'm ok I promise." Lacey says getting on top of him burying her face into his chest as he wraps his arms around her tightly.

Jughead's POV
"Alright, guys tell me what's going on?" I said looking at Lilah, Sweet Pea, &  Fangs. "What do you mean?" Fangs asked me and I said, "Well, for starters, what do you guys think Wormtail & Yaxley told Lacey & Lilah?" I looked at them and then I looked at Lilah who hid her face in Sweet Pea's lap before I continued, "When Lilah & Lacey got done talking to Wormtail & Yaxley, they ran upstairs to where we were and they grabbed your and Fangs's hand dragging you 2 outside and--" I get cut off by Lilah saying, "Ok fine, I'll tell you just plz plz plz stop talking!!!"

The Serpents, Betty and me look at each other before Betty says. "What's wrong Lil?" And so Lilah told us what Wormtail & Yaxley said we sat there confused before Joaquin said. "Ok, so you and Lacey don't talk to Blaise Draco & Theo anymore, what's the big idea?" "Ugh!!!! You idiots don't get it!!!!" Lilah says standing up and left the living room going to where Lacey and my dad went. "Nice going, Joaquin." Sweet Pea said going after her, Fangs Joaquin Toni Cheryl & Betty besides me look at each other before I said. "Ok Fangs will you plz tell us; what's going on?" "Yeah, I will." Fangs said as he told us what Lacey & Lilah told him & Sweet Pea.

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