Ch. 1

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Lacey's POV
"So did you guys hear? There's going to be some new people coming to Riverdale High." Kevin tells me, Lilah, Veronica, Archie, Betty, Jughead, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Joaquin, Toni, and Cheryl as we walk to class. "Who is it?" Archie asked. "I don't know all I know is that they're coming today I think, or sometime this week, we'll talk more about at lunch." Kevin says then we all went to class...

3rd POV Lunch Time
"Ok so, tell us everything that you know about those new kids." Jughead says and so Kevin tells them everything that he knows.

That night at Falice's house
FP and Alice were sitting on the couch watching TV, when Lacey and Lilah opened the door and closed it behind them, locking it sitting beside them on the couch. "Hey girls, what's up?" FP asks playing with Lacey's hair as she buries her face into his chest. "Nothing much, just tired." Lilah says as she lays on Alice's lap, Falice look at each other and smile.

The next day at school, is when the new kids that Kevin was talking about showed up, when Lacey saw them, she could feel her heart beating out of her chest but she had to pretend that everything was ok even though it's not because none of her friends especially Bughead & Lilah could find out because if they did, they'd just tell Falice especially FP and he already has a bunch of stuff to deal with and this is the last thing that he needs to be worried about.

Lacey's POV again
When I saw the new kids my heart dropped, it was my ex best friend and my ex friends. Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, & Theo Nott. I couldn't stop staring at them until Jughead waves his hand in front of my face and says. "Lace?" I snapped out of it and said. "What?" Betty laughs and says. "We're going to Pop's let's go."We walked to Pop's, Falice was there sitting in a booth with Lilah when me & Bughead walked to them. I sat next to FP, he wraps his arms around me and cuddles me closer to him and I instantly felt safe again. I sighed happily and from the corner of my eye I could see FP watching me and he smiled.

3rd POV again
Betty and Jughead were telling Falice about the new kids when Lacey could feel her heart beating fast again.
FP could sense it because he pulls her closer to him where she's sitting on his lap. He whispers in her ear. "Are you ok?" Lacey nods and grabs his hands tightening his grip on her waist. FP looks at her and thinks for a minute saying to himself when they get home, he's making her talk to him. Then he looks back at Jughead who says. "There they are, that's the new kids they just walked in here." "Well." Alice starts. "Are you going to just sit here or are you going to invite them over here?" "Y'know, we don't know them that well so no." Lilah said obviously lying. "See Lilah agrees with us." Betty says as she looks at the new kids seeing them staring right back at her, Jughead, Lacey, Lilah and Falice especially Lacey & Lilah. Betty nudged Jughead and whispers in his ear and he looks at them before looking at the girls and then back at them again.

Falice's house
"Hey Lace, can I talk to you upstairs?" Jughead asks as he and Betty look at her and she nods walking upstairs. Falice look at each other and Lilah says, "I'm going to bed." Then she follows them upstairs too. Bughead and Lilah follow Lacey to her/FP's room shutting the door quietly. "Ok so here's the deal you can either tell us what that was back at Pop's or you can lie to us and we'll just go get FP & Alice." Jughead says looking at Lacey who avoided eye contact, she says nothing and goes to the bathroom shutting the door behind her locking it. Bughead look at each other and sigh knowing that they're going to have to figure it out themselves, even though Lilah knows half of it, but they don't know that.

Lacey slid down the wall and cried silently into her hands, she stayed in there until she knew that they were gone, there's a knock on the door. "Baby?" Lacey could feel more tears as FP knocked again she stayed still and then the door jiggled then there was a click FP opened & closed the door behind him standing in front of it so she couldn't get out. Lacey didn't look at him because she knew that if she did, she was gonna burst out crying. "Hey." FP says gently cupping her face. "Look at me plz." Lacey looks at him and starts crying, FP immediately pulled her into him whispering sweet nothings in her ear. FP held Lacey closer to him as he opened the door and layed on the bed with her on top of him making both of them fall asleep after a few minutes.

Next day at school, Blaise Draco & Theo were in one of Lacey's classes where Bughead Varchie Choni Kevin Reggie Sweet Pea Fangs Lilah and Joaquin weren't, they were in other classes. 20 minutes into the class and the teacher gave them their assignment and put them into groups and guess who Lacey got... It's Blaise Draco & Theo, after the class was over, Lacey went to her locker opened it and hit herself repeatedly in the head for a few minutes hoping this is all a dream but she knows it's not. "So Lacey, me and these 2 were thinking that we could go to Pop's after school & work on our assignment." Blaise said as he Theo and Draco walked up to her. Lilah Joaquin Sweet Pea Fangs Kevin Reggie Bughead Varchie and Choni stare at them, they were fixing to walk to her locker but stopped and leaned against the wall ease-dropping on their conversation. "So do you?" Theo asked as he Draco and Blaise look at her and she smacked her locker against her head one more time and says. "Yeah sure, but that's it nothing else." Lacey growled. They smirk before Draco says. "Ok bye see you after school at Pop's." They walk away while Bughead & Lilah walked up to her with etc and Jughead says.

"Ok 2 things Lace.
1- What did the new kids want? &
2- Stop hitting yourself in the head with the locker before I tell dad." He grabbed her locker holding it. Lacey locked eyes with Fangs before grabbing his hand, dragging him away from her locker making him laugh as they walked away, Fangs and Lacey walked into an empty supply closet closing the door behind him while he leaned against it and said. "What's up Lace?" "If I tell you some stuff will you tell FP or Jughead?" Lacey asked rocking back and forth. "Well it depends, like what kind of stuff?"  Fangs asked looking at her Lacey sighed and said. "Stuff like tell you about mine & Lilah's past with the new kids." Fangs's eyes widen and he pulled her closer to him hugging her tightly. "No, if you just tell me Sweet Pea & Joaquin we won't tell FP or Jughead anything I promise."

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