Ch. 101

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"What happened next?" Reggie asked making the gang look at him before Lacey says. "Professor McGonagall aka head of Gryffindor house led the big group of 1st years to the Great Hall aka the cafeteria where there were 4 long tables as big as Sweet Pea's trailer." "Ok, wow, continue." Archie says. "While me and Lacey waited for professor McGonagall to call our names so the talking sorting hat can sort us into the house we were supposed to be in, we saw a big shaped U table where the other teachers were sitting, this 1 teacher dressed in all black and short black hair kept staring at us and this 1 boy wearing glasses with a scar on his forehead, that's professor Severus Snape aka Snap that's what we used to call him." Lilah says smirking a little before the smile fades and Kevin asked. "Did you just say a talking hat?" "Yeah, we did." Lacey says making eye contact with FP, she looked away quickly making him furrow his eyebrows not knowing that Lacey knew he cheated on her with Alice. "So what happened next?" Betty asked.

"When our names got called, so the sorting hat could tell us what house table to go sit at, we both got Slytherin Draco, Blaise, & Theo were already sitting there with Crabbe, Goyle, & Flint and that's how our friendship with them started." Lilah said looking at Jughead who nods and asked. "So, what else happened?" "After we left the Great Hall, the oldest Slytherin that's in 6th or 7th year led us to the scr aka the Slytherin common room where the girls had one side and the boys had the other side and there were 2 doors, and then there was this portrait and if you wanted to get into the scr then you had to know the password but only the people in that house could know about the password, not Gryffindor, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw house." Lacey says still sitting in between Fangs's legs. "Anything else or is that it?" Alice asked crossing her arms over her chest.

Lacey scoffed getting up going outside pushing her out of the way slamming the door behind her while Lilah glared at her and FP. "Y'know what there is more stuff, but we don't trust you anymore, we don't trust half of you anymore." Lilah sneered before she continues, "In fact, if none of you are Sweet Pea Fangs Jughead Choni Veronica Reggie Kevin & Joaquin, then get the hell out and don't come back or else you're going to regret it and you're going to see a side to me and Lacey that you've never seen before." Lilah growled knowing that if Voldemort and death eaters could see her right now, they'd be proud of her & Lacey for letting their old Slytherin roots come back to life.

"What the hell did I do?!" FP asked staring at Lilah who says getting closer to him. "You cheated on my best friend with this whore." She gestures to Alice and then she smirks saying. "Now I know where Betty gets it from, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." The gang except for Betty Archie & Falice burst out laughing before Jughead says. "Seriously, get the hell out now before we make you leave." "But I didn't do anything?!!!!" Archie yelled. "Yeah, you did actually, you &... (looks at Betty) cheated on me and Jughead again and we're done with it." Veronica says standing up opening the door and pushed Barchie out the door followed by Falice.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now