Ch. 105

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"Where's this house, you're talking about?" FP asked raising his eyebrows seeing Jughead looking at his phone smiling. "It's the house that Lilah told Lacey that she bought for them, when me Charles and the rest of the gang followed them that one day. It's also when I texted you and told you to get to the Whyte Wyrm, and that it was an emergency." Jughead says still looking at his phone and he texted Choni back still smirking. "Do you have a phone number for it? I mean for the house that Lilah bought." FP asked. "No, but we can go drive by it, I know where it is. Let's go." Jughead says putting his phone away and walked out the door with FP behind him after Jughead shuts off all the lights upstairs and downstairs, locking the door behind them. "My motorcycle is still at Sweet Pea's trailer, I'm gonna go get it and then we can go. Ok?" "Ok." FP says as they walk back to Sweet Pea's trailer.

After Lacey left Jughead & Choni's hiding spot, she walked back to Sweet Pea's trailer, grabbing Fangs's hand, making him get off the couch and they walk out of the trailer again and Fangs said, "What happened Lace, where'd Jughead take you?" Lacey looks at Fangs and says, "I don't want to talk about it now Fangsy, just..." She looks at him grabbing his face kissing him passionately making Fangs freeze up before he kissed her back, when they pulled away, Lacey whispered. "I'm sorry Fangs." "It's ok, you're just upset and we got caught up in the moment." Fangs said wrapping his arms around her waist and he smirks whispering, "Uh... Let's not tell the gang or anybody else about this ok? Especially Sweet Pea & Lilah." "Don't worry it'll be our little secret, besides if Jughead found out... y'know what nevermind, Jughead doesn't need to know anything that's going to stress him out and all of that stuff, because he's so busy with Choni that I don't think we should tell him anything since he's so... & too busy."

"Yeah, you're right about that, although I don't even know how their relationship even started." Fangs laughed as they walked to the Whyte Wyrm. "I forgot actually." Lacey says as they walked into the Whyte Wyrm seeing the gang playing pool & talking, Fangs walked them to Sweet Pea Lilah Kevin Reggie Veronica & Joaquin's table not seeing Falice, Jughead or Choni or even Charles and Barchie. "Hey guys!!! So Veronica tell them what you just told us." Lilah starts looking at Lacey smirking as the rest of the table burst out laughing too. "What's so funny?" Fangs asked as he and Lacey sit with them.

"Veronica likes Jughead too!!!!!" Reggie & Kevin whisper yell. "And she wants to be like Choni also." Joaquin said trying not to dye of laughter, Fangs & Lacey's jaw dropped as they hold back laughter and Lacey whispered. "Are you serious?!?!?" Veronica nods and smirks whispering, "Yeah, I do. I think I've always liked Jughead just like Choni, and I also think the only reason why I dated Archie in the 1st place is to make Bughead jealous because Betty's always liked Archie, and I've always liked Jughead ever since I moved from New York to Riverdale." "Oh my God." The table some of the gang were at, tried not to laugh but none of them knew that Cheryl heard everything, she has a trick up her sleeve, because she & Toni just got Jughead not long ago at least a week or so and no one not even Veronica Lodge is going to take Jughead away from her and Toni NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now