Ch. 113

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After FP got off work, he & the Serpents went to Alice's house, and they started packing up FP's stuff putting it into boxes and then putting it in the car. While FP was cleaning out his last drawer, he found some stuff of Lacey's and he grabbed it opening up this white box and when he opened it, he saw a circle shaped green & black necklace with a silver chain holding it together.

FP put it back in the box as Jughead Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin walked in the room and Jughead asked. "What's that?" "Lacey's old necklace, I didn't give it to her. I'm guessing her Slytherin snake friends did because look." The Serpents got closer and Fangs said. "Yeah, they did. Lilah has the same exact one. Right Sweet Pea?" The group of Serpents look at Sweet Pea and he sighs before saying, "Yeah, Draco Blaise and Theo gave them that when Lacey and Lilah agreed to try to be their friend again. Key word= try."

FP put it back in the box fixing to close the lid, when Jughead says, "Woah, stop!!! What's the note?" He grabbed it reading it out loud. "This is round 1 little girls, give us the money now or your new friends including your boyfriend/ Lacey's ex boyfriend is going to get-- y'know exactly what it means, because it's what we've been saying all the time." FP growled and said. "Let's go. Sweet Pea has to go find Lilah, and he has to bring her to me so she'll tell us what the hell this means."

When FP closes the lid, there's writing on it that says "Slytherin Snake/Serpent Necklace" with 9 little black hearts in sharpie

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When FP closes the lid, there's writing on it that says "Slytherin Snake/Serpent Necklace" with 9 little black hearts in sharpie. "I'm on it." Sweet Pea said walking out of the room pulling out his phone calling Lilah who's with Lacey, Veronica & Choni besides Kevin & Reggie. Betty and Archie like always are no where to be found anymore unless it's at school or at Pop's, but ever since Betty found out about Jughead, & Choni, she's been disappearing and so has Archie. "C'mon guys, let's go." FP mutters as they walk out of the room and they drive off to FP's new house and when they get there FP opened the door to see the key on the kitchen table, he grabs it putting it on his key ring and looks at Sweet Pea, Fangs, Joaquin, & Jughead saying. "Well, what do you guys think?"

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now