Ch. 169

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Betty grabbed the book and started reading the page it was on, Lacey groans grabbing her stomach before she yelps grabbing FP's hand and she starts giggling saying, "I have some stuff to tell you." FP looks at the gang who looked at the 3 Slytherin snakes and Blaise said. "She's having another reaction to the potion, but after this one she should be fine. Just listen to her talk to you, besides she might tell you guys the truth about something that she knows and you guys don't & she never wanted to tell you until... now & you can thank the potion that makes muggles & wizards/ witches tell the truth whether they want to or not." Blaise said.

The Serpents glare at them before Betty Archie & Reggie keep reading the book,  Lilah grabbed a pillow and hit Theo with it over and over until he said. "What's that for?!" "This is all your fault, you 3 know me & Lacey haven't been or seen or done any magic in the last 2 years!!! NOT since we left the wizarding world so if you want to kill us with potions or anything else like that..." "You're gonna have to go through us." The gang turned around seeing Jughead and his girls standing there with parentdale besides Alice, Penelope, Hal, Kurtz, Penny Tall boy Gladys and the Ghoulies standing there. Lacey gripped FP's hand tightly and whispers. "Is this real or a dream?" FP smiles and says, "It's real baby." Lacey bursts out laughing as Jughead furrowed his brow before the Serpents Betty Archie and Reggie said. "It's the potion that Theo gave Sweet Pea." "Ok?" Jughead replies sitting on the bed with Lacey and he pokes her which makes her die of laughter. "What's so funny Lace?" Jughead chuckles still poking her laughing lightly.

Parentdale Alice Penelope Hal Kurtz Penny Tall boy Gladys and the Ghoulies walk to the living room as FP Jughead the Southside Serpents Betty Archie & Reggie besides Cheryl Veronica & Toni stay in the room with Lacey and Lilah. Lacey keeps laughing until she feels Cheryl's eyes on her, Lacey bites her lip and gets Jughead's hand off of her feeling tears in her eyes. "Lace, what's up?" FP could feel the tension and he picked Lacey up taking her to the living room kicking the door behind him. "What was that back there baby?" FP asked as he sat on the couch and she gripped his shirt crying hysterically into his neck. "Hey FP, you need some more food." Hiram says as he Hermione Mary Fred Sierra Tom and Alice walk in the living room. "Yeah, I'll get some more later... Now tell me why you're all here?!"

"We got an anonymous text saying that we all need to be here for some reason..." Tom said sitting beside FP with Hiram in front of them. "Hey, F?" Lacey starts giggling again. "What?" FP asked starting to laugh. "I have some secrets about the gang especially about Cheryl Veronica & Toni, but shh 🤫 don't tell Juggie because he'll never believe me." FP keeps laughs and says, "I'm listening." "Ok, Cheryl's not only being mean to me & Lilah, she's also being mean to Kevin Reggie Joaquin Fangs & Sweet Pea, Toni & Veronica know about it... but they're not stopping her and--" Lacey got cut off by a voice she knew all to familiar saying. "WHAT'?!" Lacey closed her eyes and sighed gripping FP's shirt again.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now