Ch. 4

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The past few days have gone by quickly, it was finally Friday night  Cheryl was having a party, she invited the whole school including Draco, Blaise, & Theo without telling Toni or the gang that she invited them.

Friday night Cheryl's House aka Thistlehouse.

"Why did we come again?" Jughead asks as he, Lacey, Lilah, Betty, Veronica, & Archie walk in the front door already hearing loud music. "Because you told Sweet Pea, Fangs, Joaquin, & Toni that if they came, so would we." Betty says as they walk to the kitchen. Lacey from the corner of her eye saw Blaise, Theo, and Draco talking to Ginger and some other River-Vixens, she rolled her eyes freezing up remembering something from when she was at Hogwarts with them.

Flashback At Hogwarts Slytherin Common Room. "Hey guys what's up?" Blaise asked as he sits on the couch with Lacey, Theo, Draco, and some other Slytherins. "Nothing much." Vincent Crabbe said as he and Gregory Goyle gave them more butter-beer to drink. "So the Yule Ball is coming up, are you guys going to go?" Marcus Flint asked Lacey and Theo, they look at each other and smirk. "Yeah we are." Theo said. (End of flashback).

Lacey unfroze and went to go find Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin, she found them in the living room with Lilah and Kevin, she sat beside them on the couch. "Hey guys." Lacey said as Fangs sat beside her and cuddled with her playing with her hair. 10 minutes later, Bughead Varchie and Reggie sat with them and Jughead says. "Y'know guys, I don't really like parties so I think I'm gonna go home. Lacey do you want to come with me, because you're like me you hate parties too and we're both anti-social & that's also the reason why we're the best of friends."

"Sure why not?" Lacey got up to leave but Cheryl quickly gets in front of them and says. "Where are you guys going? The party's just getting started." She makes Jughead and Lacey sit back down, before she continues looking at everybody in the living room. "So, we're going to play a game, it's called 'Secrets and sins.' new kids you get to go first. Is it true that where you 3 are from it's pretty special and magical?" Blaise Draco and Theo look at each other and smirk before Theo says. "Yes it is special & magical, it's more magical though." Jughead looks at Varchie, Kevin, Reggie, and the Southside Serpents and whisper yells. "That's them!!" As Blaise and Draco get up with Theo, Blaise says. "As all of you know, we just moved here about a week ago and we don't really know you people that well, but there is someone here who knows us really well. She's going to act like she doesn't, but we know the truth."

"Cool who is it?" Cheryl asks. "She's right there sitting beside that guy." Draco says pointing to Fangs. Cheryl and everybody else look at Fangs and then at Lacey who slides into the couch almost in the floor. "Hey Lace, long time no see eh?" Theo says as he Blaise and Draco walk to her and lean against the wall with their arms crossed. Bughead and Varchie especially Bughead look at her with disbelief written all over their face before Lacey gets off the couch and runs out the door slamming it shut.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now