Ch. 141

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"And it's like we can't even talk to Jughead anymore without Choni and Veronica around him 24/7 especially Cheryl and with those looks she's giving us!!! We'd text Jug... But Cheryl might read the texts and delete them... Can you help us plz?! We want to talk to your kid without his girls interrupting our conversation!!!" Kevin explained to FP. FP, Lacey, Kevin, Reggie, Joaquin, & Fangs sat on the couch looking at each other before FP smirks and says, "Yeah, I'll help on one condition." "Ok, what?" Fangs asked looking at Lacey who smirks at him and he smirks back. "Tell me how Jughead ended up with dating Choni and Veronica, also is Cheryl really pregnant?" FP asked leaning back on the couch with Lacey beside him. "We're not sure, and yes Cheryl is 1 month pregnant." Reggie said before Kevin says, "We'll tell you anything you want to know."

Thistle house, "Ok girls, I'm going to go to Pop's to get us some food. So I'll be back in 20 minutes." Jughead says putting his beanie back on and grabbing Cheryl's keys from the dresser. "Do you want us to come with you?" Veronica asked as she and Choni look at him. "No, it's ok you 3 stay here and wait for me." Jughead says kissing each of them before he left. "Ok." The girls said as the door opened and closed. Jughead was on his way to Pop's like he told Choni and Veronica, but on his way there Cheryl's car got hit on the side. Jughead winced as his hand started throbbing and he lost control of the wheel and now Jughead's on his way to the hospital.

The ambulance 🚑 came to get him and Jughead told them to call FP when the paremedics asked him if they should call anybody to meet them at the hospital. When FP got to the hospital, he had Lacey Lilah Reggie Fangs & Kevin with him. "We have to call Choni and Veronica." Fangs said as they waited in the waiting room. "And make Cheryl snap at us again, I don't think so." Kevin said. "Fangs's right tbh we have to tell them." Reggie added. "At least let me call Toni and tell her." Fangs said pulling out his phone, "Ok, fine don't call her, text her." Lilah told them looking at Fangs. "Ok, I will."

Toni's POVAs soon as I got the text from Fangs about Jughead being in the hospital because some stupid idiot rammed into the side of Cheryl's car, I was pissed and upset but more pissed off

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Toni's POV
As soon as I got the text from Fangs about Jughead being in the hospital because some stupid idiot rammed into the side of Cheryl's car, I was pissed and upset but more pissed off. I put my phone up and told Cheryl & Veronica to get dressed, that we we're going somewhere and that Fangs and Sweet Pea were picking us up. "What about Juggie?" Cheryl asked rubbing her stomach as Veronica added, "He's bringing us our food." "Juggie's going to be there already. Ok?" I said getting up putting on my Southside Serpent jacket. "Ok, c'mon let's go to the living room, because they'll be here in 10 minutes." "Ok." Cheronica said as we left Cheryl's room going to the living room waiting for Sweet Pea & Fangs.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now