Ch. 104

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"What did you see exactly?" FP asked with his eyes still closed. "I was outside the door to your office fixing to walk in, but I stopped when I saw Alice was in there with you, so I stayed outside your door looking at you two and that's when I saw her get on your lap kissing you and then she--" Lacey stopped talking, feeling her eyes get blurry from the tears falling. FP opened his eyes and looked at her before he whispered, "I'm sorry." Lacey looked at him before she said getting up. "I'm sorry too, I'm sorry that we're over for real this time now you can go back to your precious Alice Cooper."

Lacey scoffed getting up fixing to walk out the door, but when her hand touched the knob of the door, she got shocked and Jughead says from upstairs. "I said no one is leaving until you 2 work out your problems." "There's nothing to talk about Jug!!! Me and FP are like you and Betty besides Archie and Veronica we're over!!!! He can have Alice now, she wins. I quit!!! Alice Cooper ALWAYS gets what she wants anyway and since she wants FP, she can have him. I'm done!!! I am so done. It's like I'm back at Hogwarts in 3rd year all over again." Lacey yells before she yanks the door open and slammed it back behind her.

As soon as the door closes, Jughead looks at FP and says. "You just screwed up the best relationship you've ever had, ever since mom before she left with JB to Toledo." "DON'T you think I know that!!" FP yells getting up slamming chairs against the floor before he gets up and says. "Help me Jug. I need your help. I don't want Alice she was just a 1 time thing, I want Lacey!! It's always been Lacey. It's always been Lacey ever since she & Lilah moved to Riverdale 2 years ago and I met her in Pop's when I was working the day shift." Jughead looks at him and smiles. "Ok, I'll help you, but it's going to take alot of work, because you hurt Lacey, and you hurt her really bad and I don't think she'll ever forgive you for what you did to her with Alice." FP sighs and says. "Ok, yeah I know. I think the 1st step is for us to find our own house again and get away from Alice and Betty & maybe Lacey and Lilah will actually stay with us again. If & when I can get Lacey to believe & forgive me again." "I know where we can find our own house." Jughead says seeing his girls text him and he reads it smirking before replying.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now