Ch. 67

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After Lacey got to leave the hospital, she Lilah FP besides the Southside Serpents all went back to Falice's house, while Wormtail & Yaxley went to go get Theo for some weird reason and only Lacey knows the real reason, but she can't tell anyone about it... at least not yet... as soon as Wormtail & Yaxley got to Falice's house with Theo, Lilah opened the door when they knocked on it, Lacey locked eyes with Theo and practically dragged him upstairs to her and FP's room closing the door behind them locking it. "Ok, do any of you want to tell me what that was?" FP asked as he, Alice Lilah Bughead Serpents Wormtail & Yaxley sat on the couch and chairs talking and watching TV. "We don't know and we're telling the truth." Yaxley said.

In Lacey & FP's room
Lacey & Theo sat on the bed, they were quiet for a little bit until Theo asked. "So are you going to tell me why I'm here and why you needed to talk to me?" Lacey sighs and starts rocking back and forth on the bed before she says.  "I need to talk to you about something that happened at Hogwarts and to see if I got all of my facts straight, I just need to know if you remember anything else besides what I'm going to tell you... I would've asked Blaise & Draco but hey it's about them and I don't think Flint Crabbe & Goyle would remember... So you're my last hope to help me figure this out... So will you help me plz for old times sake?"

Lacey asked Theo who looks at her and says. "Alright I'll help on one condition." "What?" "You need to let Lilah Wormtail or Yaxley in here to listen to our conversation so I don't get accused or blamed for something... by your and Lilah's new friends." "Ok, how about Jughead or Fangs?" Lacey asked. "Lilah or else I'm not listening to you." Theo said smirking at her and she rolled her eyes before she says.  "Ok fine." She gets up and unlocked the door before opening it seeing Jughead and the Serpents looking at her before she locked eyes with Fangs and points to Lilah and then she motions up the stairs, Fangs got the hint and nudges Lilah telling her something, then she gets out of Alice's lap and walks upstairs when she walked in the room after the door closed behind her and she locked it before she asked. "What the hell is going on here?!" 

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now