Ch. 17

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Charles, Lilah, & Lacey eat their food and continue talking, when somebody approached the booth, they look up and see Theo who says nothing, sliding something to Lilah walking away and out the front door of Pop's, Lilah looks at what Theo gave her & Charles looked at her concerned. "What's up Lilah?" Lilah sighs and says, "Lacey, you know who's back, and she's working 4 Voldemort & death eaters now."

Lacey smacked herself and groans as Bughead Varchie Kevin Reggie Choni Sweet Pea Fangs and Joaquin walk to their booth. "Hey Charles." Jughead says sitting beside him looking at Lacey and Lilah and then back to Lacey. Lilah gets up followed by Lacey, Lilah whispered. "We have to go see Blaise and Theo again." "Great!!." Lacey says sarcastically as they walk down the street back behind the Whyte Wyrm down the road and around 2 corners seeing a blue house with a black fence with red roses in the yard.

The gang sat there talking as Charles watched Lacey & Lilah's every move knowing something's wrong and he determines to figure it out. A few minutes later, FP, Alice, Fred, and Mary walk into Pop's seeing the gang sitting beside them too. Charles noticed FP had something in his hand and he said.  "Hey FP, come sit beside me." FP smiles and sits between him and Jughead. Charles looked at them and then at the book FP was holding tightly whispering. "What's that?" FP looks at Charles and says, "Lacey had it and we think it's the 1st piece of evidence." Then he and Jughead told Charles everything that they know about what the younger Serpents told them besides Mustang Mark and Dave seeing and hearing everything earlier today, because Dave lives across the street from the house that Lacey and Lilah visit often...

Charles listened to them very carefully and said. "Do you guys need any help with this?" FP and Jughead look at each other and they said yes at the same time, before Jughead said, "I was going to ask you for help today." Charles smiles and says, "Ok. So when do we start?" "How about now?" Jughead asks. "Ok, we need to come up with a plan." Charles says as FP and Jughead listen to him closely b4 Charles continues, "And we can start with that book." Charles says looking at the cover front and back.

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